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How does this bud look?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by SiDankies, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. #1 SiDankies, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
    Picked up a 1/4 of it. I just want some opinions on what you guys think of it. Here is one of the buds. [​IMG]

    Ps I did smoke it and i got very stoned.. just want opinions from other tokers!!
  2. looks smokable
  3. looks like there is a good amount a crystals, could have a better trim job, but I think it's safe to say anybody here would smoke it :p
  4. your hand lines are tripping me out

    smoke it, YOU tell ME how it is.
  5. Looks like weed.

  6. Whats wrong with my hands? Chief!
  7. I'd throw that in the trash. :rolleyes:
  8. shitty trim job
  9. 5/10

    decent average cannabis
  10. I don't know what these guys are talking about. :confused_2: Looks really good to me. That's like 8/10.
  11. youll only know when you smoke it bud hah

  12. Idk man maybe they live in a medical state. I live in NY so pretty damn far from one.
  13. Everyone on here's a critic.

  14. Hahahaha thanks man!

  15. I know haha i just want some opinions! Smokes great though well vapes great.
  16. If your picture isn't high enough quality they they think it's mids. Can't even tell the difference between blurry pictures and mids... If there's a few leaves left on the buds they'll say "Looks good, but it's leafy as fuck." or something. Even if it's awesome bud... So annoying. That's why I say everyone's a critic lol.

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