Toro Style 7 13 Perc Glass Bong Waterpipe BACK IN STOCK for sale I was thinking about buying this; however, I'm a little worried on the quality of it. Can any of you experts out there take a look at this and tell me how it looks, does it look like mass produced glass or some quality glass? I was debating between this and the BLAZE 10 Arm/Circ what do you guys think?
Im not an expert on glass like some guys, but I've been smoking for a few eyars and can say I'd enjoy smoking out of that. It even has an ice catcher - I think. and Ice catchers are always awesome. inline pipes are something cool that you might want to look into. My neighbor got one after he shattered his old bong.
Yeh I've looked at inlines before, but I'm really looking for a stemless perc/perc style tube and this definatley looks like a smooth hitting one, I just don't know about the quality of the glass and assembly. From what I see it looks like it's not china glass and it has nice assembly but can someone confirm this?
In some of the pics, it looks like there are some crooked perks and such. I'm not too sure about these pieces. Some of the work looks nice, maybe it's just the pics?
Yeh that's why I was a little bit iffy the work looks nice; however, in some pictures the bottom perc looks iffy, but I'm not sure if this is just the angle of the picture or some kinda optical illusion... Because as far as I can see the top perc looks very straight an well assembled in every pic, need more opinions guys thanks! And do any of you know were online I can buy Manifest Glass because I was really looking at an 18mm Manifest Showercap/Dome CirQ, but it's sold out
[quote name='"420Justin"']Not to sound like a dick, but how is it to expensive? A toro 7/13 is like 600 I believe...[/quote] They can be upwards of $750 too I too am curious about these pieces. I was checking them out and want the same thing this guy wants, a stemless perc/perc piece. I was looking at the GC stemless but it's constantly out of stock. These look good, possibly better than the GC bong.
Toro's are super high quality and yes they do go for a pretty penny. But those pieces are "Toro Style", which means they are most likely not Toro. I would guess they are knock offs for that price.
[quote name='"ckycampmember"'] Toro's are super high quality and yes they do go for a pretty penny. But those pieces are "Toro Style", which means they are most likely not Toro. I would guess they are knock offs for that price.[/quote] Yes they are just toro knock offs but still looks like a highly functional piece that looks like a Toro for much much less.
It says in the description THIS IS NOT A TORO. Just to clear up any confusion. It's a nice piece, but really the only way to tell how it feels is to get your hands on it.
[quote name='"dazedBong"']Got that bong at LHS for 80 bucks 220 pretty steep [/quote] Damn man how does it hit? You know it's the same one for sure?
[quote name='"Budxter"']op thought he was getting a legit toro for 200? lol[/quote] No I think he knew it wasn't an actual toro haha
[quote name='"dazedBong"']Got that bong at LHS for 80 bucks 220 pretty steep [/quote] Can I ask where you got it for that price?