How does the THC effect on the plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by NoBody99X, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. Hello everyone.
    so, few days ago i asked a stupid quistoin about what THC stands for, so what i want to ask is does high or low THC effect on the plant? which means high THC is strong plant and low THC isnt strong?
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  2. Many modern theories hold that along with other uses one of the main uses for the THC glands and resin in the plant is to protect the plant from UV and specifically UVB&C radiation. It's sort of a natural sunscreen. That's why many of the highest THC plants in nature are native to high altitude areas close to the equator. That is where UVB levels are highest in nature. The plants in these places had to make more THC to not be scorched by the high altitude sun.
    Grow Hack: Does UV Light Increase Cannabis Potency? – High Times

    So, a higher THC plant should be more drought and sunlight resistant but generally smaller. UVB decreases overall growth.
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