weed affects everyone differently. it has effects when your on it, effects when your not on it. good effects, bad effects. What are your effects?
The hot pot made me distraught, or so I thought this isn't what I bought...it could or could not, now I'm caught in a clot.
it depends on what im smokin, there are times when it gets me sleepy but most of the time I become active and more talkative, and happy. there have been days when I had shit on my mind about issues that have been going on that day, then i smoke and im in a better mood and I feel like doing something fun.
Depending on the quality/quantity/type of the weed in a certain session, I get a varying range of different highs. For example, 1 bowl of some pretty good, quality weed gets me a calm and relaxed feeling. My body seems to buzz with a light euphoria/happiness and my vision seems to get a little softer. Colors seem a little brighter then when sober but not to the point of it being anywhere near psychedelic in nature, just kind of standing out. 2 bowls will get me the same feelings except multiplied to an extent. My eyes begin to get red and droopy and the light euphoria turns to a moderate euphoric state with a strong body buzz, almost like a vibration. I begin to feel pleasantly sedated and I seem to lose a little touch with normal reality and analyze things in my mind almost compulsively, which can actually be comforting in a way, but also can be negative if I am focusing on sad/angry things. I will tend to feel stronger emotions then normal about anything. My mouth begins to get dry resulting in my speaking becoming slightly different, sometimes uncomfortably, but simply having a refreshing drink with you or at least just having one occasionally will mostly solve the problem. I also begin to get a sharp hunger that will not go away until I have eaten at least a decently large amount of food. My vision stays mostly the same after one bowl, but may become a bit more soft looking or brighter, and staring at things for a while sort of makes them seem unrecognisable for a second, only until you shift your vision. 3-4 good bowls makes me get to a very baked state, where I am extremely relaxed, calm, content, and having strong euphoria for several hours. The same effects described before are still present and multiplied. My skin feels like its buzzing/moving into itself (melting). If I have not started eating by this time the hunger gets very sharp. My mind begins analyzing things in almost a seemingly impossible manner if it's a good sativa. Certain things seem to stand out strangely and unusually vision-wise. (Example: I'm walking down a very long, straight road and looking at the end of it approximately a mile ahead of me where the road ends at a house. The intersection of the road and a crossing road, the house at the end, and the large trees behind it all seem to kind of stand out in my vision. These objects [which are adjacent to each other in my vision] all seem to be popping out of how my normal vision looks and seems as if they are closer then they appear. Keep in mind these changes are very subtle and I have to analyze what I'm looking at very hard to think of words to describe them.) After reaching this point I feel like smoking more doesn't seem to get me that much more stoned, just prolongs the high a little more but is overall not really worth it to continue smoking out of my stash.
its starting to not really effect me at all, and yes ive tried t breaks, ill stop smoking for like two weeks and then yea my tolerance is gone, but then it comes right back with in a day of smoking
i just wanna show off my signature, i just found this story and this is one of the comments about it, lmaooooo its a you had to be there story, but its the shit
I generally trip pretty hard on herb. Depends on the strength, obviously. But generally I reach a state of both inspiration and lethargy.
weed barely effects me like the rest of you. i conider marijuana a sobriety enhancer instead of an intoxicator. i can and do smoke before absolutely everything
Some pot makes me burst into hysterical laughter, so pot makes me extremely mellow, some pot puts me on mah pillow, some pot gives me the munchies hardcore, some pot puts me in an all around really good mood. Also smoking/eating/vaporizing marijuana have different effects as well. So OP, if your question is, how does pot affect you, my answer is: Differently every time I get high.