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how does she look? *pic*

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by G-lant, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. #1 G-lant, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    Here is a picture of a friends plant. I think she looks good, ~2ft bonzi/LST design flowering will start next week sometimes. Its about 5-6weeks old. She has 4 or 5 main heads? stems? yeah, lots of budd :smoking:

  2. bump, anyone thoughts?
  3. The stems are a little thin but the color looks good, maybe a fan aimed right at the plant will thicken them up a bit?

  4. I think the problem with the thin stems is because they are stretching towards the CFLs at the top. The height of the growroom and and the high placement of CFLs has made the plant want to stretch to get quite big.

    To the OP, I think the plant needs a better lighting setup with even spread of bulbs at the top. My advice would be to mount the CFLs horizontally, such as directly connected into a surge protector (or something like a power strip).

    Now the only reason I bring this up is to prepare for flowering. First of all, your plant may double in size during flowering, so can you control that? The problem I see here is that the plant is already very tall and lanky before flowering has started--and the plant stretches in the first few weeks of flowering. I can tell you now that although you might have alot of budsites, the canopy is uneven. The fact that the plant only has two CFLs for its main/top growth really hurts the uneven canopy.

    In the future, if you cannot move the light down... Move the plants up to reach the light instead of allowing stretch to occur on your plants. Also, use of LST and tieing the stem down continually WILL help to keep the plant much smaller and produce an even canopy.

    I lot of these things cannot honestly be done at this stage, but I think you need to throw that thing into flower ASAP or it's gonna keep getting even bigger. I hope this helps your FUTURE endeavors, b/c you can always learn from the past experiences.
  5. Thank you, this was my first, soon hopefully to be on my 3rd. I will try to keep an even cannopy and do a combination of lst and scrog or just at least lst
  6. Looks like you're doing the right thing with PH and nutes. You just need to get some LST going to keep the plant low. I used a vertical fence and zig-zagged the plant up it to keep it low. It worked great, keeping loads of leaves close to the CFL. Good luck !

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