How does one find oneself?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Zephyr29, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. There's no formal guideline of course, but what would you say is an effective way of finding oneself?
  2. people get used to their situation. they only notice the very small variable that change but the bigger things that rarely change escape them

    in order to find ourselves we have to throw ourselves in new situations and see how we adapt. see what things about ourselves are just situational and what's real

    I think we would come to the conclusion that everything is situational down to the very core of who we are. I think we would find out there is no self besides existence and that we can change everything about that existence as we will it
  3. That which is looking for ones self is the self.
    The seeker is sought.

    So I am looking for my "I am" presence, but oh that which is looking is the "I am" presence. Get it? It is very subtle but very simple.

    So we are this non dual awareness/consciousness. We create longer gaps between thoughts, feelings and mental images. We start to notice the spaces in between or the silence in between noises. And from there we can reflect the non dual awareness upon itself, thus creating a shift from a consciousness centered on an object to consciousness with no object.

    You can do this with meditation. By practicing mindfulness and concentration, one can realize their true nature or buddha consciousness.
  4. Watch the matrix, and become The One.
  5. Accept yourself for who you are. When you can truly do so you will know yourself.
  6. Hmm, well it depends on deep, and detailed you want to go.
    For starters, I would recommend meditation, and mind thinking alot.
    Then I would try Astral Projection, or any other form of meditation.
    Both AP and meditation are very good tools for discovering yourself.

    Also,try Lucid Dreaming. If you remember your lucid dreams, think about them. If you want to go in depth and in detail, research every aspect of y our lucid dreams on the internet.

    Also, read a psych book or two on dreams and then study your own dreams.

    But ofcourse this isn't the only way, and not the best way(I don't even know if there is such a thing), but this will do more then help getting you started, and its a good starting point aswell.
  7. Realise there's nothing to look for because you're already right there. Or find a mirror.
  8. #12 dawnofwar, Jul 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2011
    Oh but on the contrary my friend, there is oh so much to discover about yourself that lies just under the surface! and so much more that's stuck deep down.
    Trying to find myself has brought on some of the most fucking rocking times of my life.

    Of course, if you want the quick route, but want to risk MAJOR ego death, and total collapse of your reality and everything you know, and everyone you know.

    Mix 2 parts albert hoffman
    with 2-3 parts spice during albert hoffman peak.
    Said combination, could result in you discovering yourself, or just having a rockin' 10 minutes.
    Either is good LOL
  9. an interesting but vague question, do you mean your true nature or your true personality without outside influences (such as pop culture, drugs, boredom)?
    I guess you have to detach yourself from your body and feelings to truly evaluate them without being afraid of what you might find.
  10. #14 Verdurous, Jul 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I create myself. I don't discover myself. I discover feelings I might have, but haven't realised, but those are feelings, not the whole of 'me'.
  11. Mind is all ego. You must silence all inner chatter.
    "No-mind is the ultimate prayer. And it is the state of no-mind where prayer and meditation meet. Meditation takes you to the no-mind, prayer takes you to the no-mind. No-mind is the peak where the path of the mind and the path of the heart meet, where Zen and Sufism are one." - Osho
  12. You must silence all inner chatter while you meditate that is a given.
    But day to day life? hell naw.
    Mind chatter is something I charish.

  13. so true, you can't take your meditative, dreamy state of mind out with into your daily affairs. If you're truly learning how to control your mind then learn how to switch frames of mind at your convienence.
  14. What makes you think you can find anything but?

    The only thing you'll find on drugs... is yourself on drugs. If enlightenment were sold for $10 a hit, we'd all be Zen Masters.

    "Alert as a warrior in enemy territory... Fuild as melting ice" it's called Walking Meditation.
  15. #19 DBV, Jul 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2011
    Actually enlightenment is a rather common occurence on LSD (less often on Ganja, but still common), but I definitely understand what you are saying Perpetual Burn (that it isn't guaranteed). In the end, it takes an open-mind, and a new way of thinking (which drugs/psychedelics often provide) in order to accept the "enlightenment philosophy".

    edit: Also, a teacher/guide can always help.. (such as reading some of Timothy Leary's, or other philosophical guides, quotes/writings on the subject while intoxicated)
  16. Psychedelics don't provide enlightenment - they only help catalyze the process. Only YOU can find it within yourself <3 [​IMG]

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