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How does my dealer

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by SiDankies, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. My dealer gets his bud shipped from Cali.. they come in these weird vacuum sealed bags.
  2. I'm confused as to what the question is here?
  3. Even though its not stated I think OP is asking how his dealer gets his weight from Cali.
  4. we aren't allowed to talk about trafficking here but probably through USPS and a disguised package.
  5. pony express.
  6. Very common method believe it or not.
  7. Most likely called up AT&T using his personal or business account and got the phone unlocked. A customer has a certain amount of unlocks they can do for an iPhone on their account.

    Horoscopo Chino
  8. A lot of them have some mule it (via driving) over the border to neighboring states. They just vaccume seal it and have custom hiding places in the vans or whatever. That's one hell of a risky thing though, more so on the AZ border but still.
    I'm just assuming though.

  9. He lives in NY soo he cant go every week its impossible
  10. Silk road marketplace most likely, look it up
  11. I would think the process would be:

    Get your friend from Cali sell you weed
    Package it in vacuum bags.
  12. It's easy, you just use the mail and said vacuum sealed bags.
  13. OP answered his own question.

  14. The real question here is how a fucking spambot can figure out a captcha and I can't.
  15. Maybe they know people at the sort facility?
  16. This

    Most dudes around here get it that way

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