How does cannabis affect you sexually?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by VirginSmoker, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. So glad to be here on GrassCity -- I can finally ask my most pressing questions! So, as the name implies, I'm a 'virgin smoker'. I'd like to know how cannabis affects people sexually. I'm sure the results vary, so I'd love to learn about them here.

    As for me, cannabis turns me into an animal. My orgasms are amazing and my erections unbelievable! I could stay erect for hours and not have a desire for ejaculating while having sex. Speaking of sex, it's mindblowing. Unfortunately, I haven't had the pleasure of enjoying sex while being inspired with anyone else since my ex.

    Well, thanks in advance for your responses. I look forward to reading them!
  2. Contradictory post, much?
  3. what? so fuckin confused did you answer yourself?
  4. I am just as confused! I think he wasn't a virgin, then he lost his girlfriend and now he is:confused:
  5. You don't go back to virginity after you stop having sex...
  6. haha im so confused by his post.
  7. umm i dont know what ur asking...but yeah i feel the same way besides the erection part cuz i dont have a penis.

    but yeah...when ur 'partner' tuches u...u just feel it so much more than u would if u were sober. like even when i'm holding hands with a just feels sooo gud.

    i love MJ!!! :hello:
  8. Oh wait do you mean virgin smoker as in n00b-smoker?!?

  9. Hahahahaha, I'm pretty sure that's what he meant.
  10. Smoking makes me horny as hell :eek:
  11. your post confused the crap out of me... but oh well.

    weed used to make me extremely... horny (ah, i hate that word for some reason).
    but now... not so much. maybe i just need more tbreaks, though. who knows.
  12. It makes it harder for me to finish but it makes my sex more enjoyable. Helps me out im not gonna lie i dont last the longest usually like 15 to 20 mins but when im high i just keep going and give me girl a good work out

  13. I prefer the word Randy :)

    From a female perspective...I go from 0 to 10 on an arousal scale if my husband gets the least bit flirty with me after I've smoked. It wasn't quite that fast before I was married though, think part of it has to do with a safe partner that I can let my guard down with.
  14. ooooooooh noob smoker! I thought you were saying you were a virgin, and weed enhanced your sex life. I was hella confused!
  15. I was confused as well but anyway - yeah sweet mj usually makes me very horny and makes sex like 10 times better than usual. It is great!
  16. When i smoke, sex is the last thing on my mind, unless its the type of sex that costs 8 bucks from dennys and is called the heartland scramble, mmmmm. Anyway, sex, yeah, once im stoned and start foolin around with a chick i can go for hours, especially in the shower. Being stoned in the shower is fun, having sex while stoned in a shower, even better!
  17. Shit man, sex is absolutely amazing when you're stoned. I was dating this guy Schweed earlier, and luckily, we had alot in common, including the same turn ons, and the same attitude, same craving for sex all the time, it was lovely. I was incredibly comfortable with him. So one time, he took me up on this hill that overlooks the whole entire county, and he parked the car up there, we toked up, talked about life and art and stuff, and.. long story short, I'd never had a better orgasm in my life. No exaggeration either. I think it's just because that was the first time smoking before sex, or maybe it was just because of how incredibly scandalous that whole situation was, or maybe the pleasure was just heightened because I was super stoned.

    But yeah, I know for sure that I get ridiculously horny when I'm high. Gets me in trouble sometimes, haha.
  18. im new to the site but i think i figured out why everyones posts is so confusing..everyone just gets high and then comes on here n posts. and someone whos sober reading a high persons thoughts is confusing. but i agree w everyone else being high just overall enhances sex. im going to smoke haha
  19. I get horny as hell and could go for hours and hours.... or how ever long the blunt lasts lol
    I love stoned smecks
  20. When I get high I usually get turned off by most girls cause they get stoned with me then say the stupidest shit and Id rather listen to the Spice Girls while being force fed baby shit and jacking off with icy hot on my dick. then have to pretend to be interested in the shit they say so i can fuck them later in the evening.

    If they are chills girls then its a chill time and idk, sex is normal. USually I dont smoke with girls unless its in the evening and im drinking with them as well, when im drunk and stoned sex is fucking AWESOME, I just dont really remember it that well. One time I woke up with this girl next to me freshmen year of college and I looked over and my laptop and stereo were thrown on the floor and I yelled "what the fuck happened to my room" and shes like looking at me like im crazy and goes...."you dont remember picking me up and throwing me on the desk and fucking me there? Idk.....must be watching to many movies and shit cause fucking up my laptop and stereo doesnt sound to appealing to me when im sober.....

    I woke up one morning with rug burn on by forehead also from a night of fucked up sex with a girl on the floor, the only thing i can think is i was on top and slipped and bounced my head off the carpeted floorrr.....

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