I'm pretty sure some kinda leafhopper has been chowing on my girls. I just bought some thuricide (apparently it's safe to put on edible plants?) since I noticed a silk like web on a leaf then seen a little green worm scoot into a bud and I dont want to keep adding stuff that's going to alter my flowers in any way and I already have diatomaceous earth on hand but I seen others saying it clumps up when wet how do you get rid of it? Or just leafhoppers in general.
I wouldn’t use the DE like a fairy dust on your buds. The bt is good thru flower. You should get back in their and pull that little fucker out though! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Shouldn't use it on the plant once flowers form. Definetly wash it, not good for your respiratory system.
I havent used any and man I looked for that damn worm for 10 minutes he just disappeared inside the bud I think or between I didnt want to damage the plant
Consider diatomaceous earth to be finely ground up seashells; a serious abrasive. NOT something you'd want to inhale! We used to use that on the top of the soil so as to score the bellies of slugs and snails and they'd just bleed to death. Or something like that.
Diatomaceous earth is strange. people take food grade DE by the spoonfuls as dietary supplement, yet breathing it in can cause irritation and respiratory issues like shortness of breath etc. when ive used it i just keep it on the topsoil. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
DE is a bummer often with poorly dried weed making you cough and the DE included you can expect some blood coughing up as many of my buddies did years back Neem Oil 1tsp to a pint of warm water shake and spray 2x times per day or 2x per week when bug clear good luck
Have you givin neem a shot? Neem oil or neem meal steeped or bubbled in AACT works wonders for wide variety of pests. If you use neem in conjunction with essential oils itll give you better chance. Geranium oil, rosemary oil, clove oil, thyme, mint, garlic, all have pesticide like qualities and can be affective when used as foliar and soil drench. My recommendation is to alternate these solutions so the critters don’t develop immunity. Never dealt with leaf hoppers but have dealt with mites gnats and caterpillars . BT is another organic option that helps kill larvae. The bacteria when ingested by insects or when absorbed by larvae infects the insects and kills them. Id keep the DTE on the top soil to kill any that are hiding out at the soil. But for foliage try employing a regement of essential oils along with neem alternating on weekly basis or until infestation has been terminated. Another solution that may or may not work for your setup is companion plants. theres a wide variety of herbs and flowers that deter insects: marigolds, chrysanthemums, lavender, catnip, theres tons a google search for pest deterring companion plants will give you better idea. Hth goodluck. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Just cut the bud off that has the grub in it as its already made a home in it and will be shitting all over the inside of the bud which will cause bud rott. Then use neem on the rest of the plant just like vostok said. Sent from my SM-G950F using Grasscity Forum mobile app
This is also a great answer with more good options. Sent from my SM-G950F using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I was going to use neem oil then a bunch of ppl in another group told me not because its toxic and now you guys are all giving me the go I'm torn lol what to do what to do
Whoever told you its toxic doesnt know wtf they are talking about. Neem has been used in cosmetic products like creams and soap, even toothpaste for a very long time. You can even eat the neem fruit. Can neem be toxic? sure if you down a whole cup of neem oil I don't think it will sit well with you, but so will downing a cup of Tabasco or 2 gallons of water at once or too much cinnamon. I've been using neem regularly for over 3 years with no ill effect.
I add a tsp to my weekend curries too Neem cured my pubic lice and the cats ear bugs too with glee ...lol