How do you think the world started

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Neverwill, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. how do you guys all think the whole human race, universe, and all that crazy stuff happen?

    one of the things i think are that the people were all there but they didnt have minds or a conscience, and some random minds just got sucked into the bodies.

    and another one... were in a Sims game! people are playing us in a computer game.

    what do you guys think on this whole thing...just throw in anything that relates to life, space, and how we came to earth
  2. thats a very large question, the biggest minds in science can only come up with the big bang.
  3. read the wonderful book of genesis. that is what i think of creation.
  4. The great lord and Savior, FSM, cast life from his noddle-y appendages and creature the mountains, the trees, and midgets, among other things.

    This all occurred on October 14th, 1952.

  5. This is a VR game, we are all sitting in a room hooked up to our computers immersed in Reality 2.3.45... I do not know why we picked this shit hole of a simulation to run through, but hey, I am almost sure I did not create it. ;)
  6. there's really no explanation, science doesn't work, because everything wouldn't just appear there, and god doesn't entirely work, because how did god come to be? etc.. It's just something that humans will simply never comprehend.
  7. will never? or are not ready to?

    i personally believe aliens put this world here. and seeded this world with life. i believe that because of our moon, and the solar eclipse mostly.....
  8. Seems interesting, can you explain about why solar eclipses and the moon rationalize that theory? im just curious and intrested.

    I dont know and wont ever know so i try as hard i can to not think about the question.
  9. Why would you try hard not to think about the question?

  10. The moon ( supposedly ) is some 6 billion years older than our earth. and some believe floated into the solar system after the earth was forming and/or formed. It drifted into our solar system and got pulled into earths orbit, RATHER than then suns orbit. That in itself is odd. But then to add on top of it, when the moon comes out during the day and covers the sun for that split second or so...its a perfect circle. the moon soo small, sun soo big...but when overlapped, they are the same size.

    to me, its a sign.

    Actually, I think our moon is the biggest sign. :)

    And im a bit of a conspierecy the apollo missions and armstrongs ( supposed ) quotes are interesting.

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