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how do you tell if your bud has glass in it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Recovery1CDR, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Just a simple question just to be prepared incase i ever run into it. How would you tell if some bud has been mixed with glass?
  2. Scratches a cd is one way I've heard
  3. Ive never herd of this. People put glass in bud?

  4. they mix very fine glass with the bud to resemble increased potency and weight
  5. Smoke a bowl and observe the ashes for little shards of glass.

  6. This. If it leaves marks that bud is tainted.
  7. Or put a small amount on the tip of your tongue... if it feels sandy then theres glass in it.
    And if you suspect there is, DON'T smoke it. Some people use silica instead of glass, and that fucks you up man.
  8. take all the buds in your sac, rub them on the back of a worthless CD, if it scrathes it, THROW IT AWAY do not attempt to smoke it, those glass shards will go into your lungs, and once their there, theres no getting them out.
  9. ^ or he could just use a bong and never worry about inhaling glass?

    Probably should just "get rid of it" and re-up.

  10. i wouldnt smoke bud that has glass in it even if the bong had 4 percs. fuck that shit, i'd throw that weed away and re-up
  11. #11 MJsmoke, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2010
    Thats where the whole silica thing comes in to play... If you know for sure that its just glass, then a bong works. But sometimes its hard to tell the difference, and smoking silica gives you silicosis, which makes you more prone to lung disease

    If you're getting shit that has glass in it, just toss it and find a better dealer man. Yeah it sucks to throw that shit away, but its better than the alternative.

  12. Haha, I got that man, that's what I meant by the last bit of my previous post.

  13. You don't buy from sketchy people :confused_2:

    get a connect...learn...
  14. If you don't want to toss it...why not use it to make tincture? Then you can just strain the glass out (use a coffee filter)
    I'm making tinctured mites right now:D
  15. that is true, but sometime regular bud can do that too, so it's not a surefire way of finding out.

    this is really the only way to tell for sure, if you think it's got glass make sure you smoke it with water filtration.

    i have never heard of bud being laced with sillica or whatever that thing other people mentioned was, but i guess some dealers will do anything to get that extra buck :confused_2:

    good luck, i hope you never come across grit weed, it can be a nasty thing.

    happy toking :bongin:
  16. Or better yet grow it Yourself then u know whats gone into the bud and u know that its gonna be safe to smoke

  17. werd LOL. who are you buying from that you have to worry about smoking glass?
  18. If you find glass in it, could you just make brownies and strain the oil through some cheesecloth?
  19. I've never heard of people doing this. But, wow, this shit is really fucked up.

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