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How do you store your weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by My Buds, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. #21 Silemanx, Mar 11, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2012
    My picture broke never mind
  2. i store mine inside baby food jars, mason jars, herbal incense containers from when I tried it back in the day, [rarely] baggies, and tupperware, all in my lockbox safe.
  3. Use a air tight stash jar.
  4. Pill bottles
  5. thank you for all your help! i am currently hiding it in the back of my closet behind some hats i never wear(the weed is never exposed to sunlight). i put a plastic bag around it just in case. it works perfectly and barely smells.

    i have one question:
    i am going to buy an 1/8th or 1/4th(purple weed and OG kush) in a week or two. could i just put them in a plastic bag and put them in the jar? i dont want to mix the different strains of weed, but i also dont want it to lose potency.
  6. I use a $2 mason jar. Works wonderfully.

  7. If you were needing to hide it and not store it- hide it in the pocket of some clothes hanging in your closet. Make sure it's nothing your mom will take down to give away or anything. Don't hide it in lining of trash can and if you do never keep trash can full and always empty it yourself before trash day so your moms doesn't go near there.
    That;s really all I'm willing to say. I never post up my best hiding spots cuz you never know when the wrong people willl get on here and see that shit whether it be family, cops, thief's, whoever.
  8. Prescription pill bottle :smoke:
  9. A tic tac bottle :smoke:

    Perfect size to fit in your pocket without looking sketchy like a pill bottle.

    Preferably grinded herb. I can just sprinkle it out into my mflb.

  10. ^This :D
  11. [​IMG]
    A Black TightVac. They are cheap and work great and it does not let light in so your bud will keep longer
  12. Where do you get tightvacs?
  13. i keep mine in a urine sample container that i got from my friend whose mom who does something for a veterinary supply company (not used of course). it would probably hold upwards of a quarter O, but ive never really had more than an eighth in it at a time. I like it also because it fits nicely in my pocket, and will hold a gram bag, pack of papers, and a lighter all snugly.
  14. I typically just stick my bud in a plastic baggy and then seal it up in a pill bottle. Only because I don't have a mason jar. I do plan on getting one though.
  15. I keep my main stash in a baby food jar(s) inside a mason jar and just a baby food jar for the nug I'm smoking.
  16. In an old spice container. Then I put that in a plastic bag.
  17. I keep everything in a prescription pill bottle, my weed, my cigarette one-hitter piece, and I have a small midget Bic lighter and it all snugly fits in there great! :)

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