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how do you smoke your keif?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mokopea, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. I have a grinder, and Its multi chambered. I never saw the powder under neath the 2nd chamber, I see it now and I'm like o-o; What is it!? My friends are astonished by how much I have, I don't know what to do with it.
    My friend said I could boil butter..with..the keif..and..make brownies. But I also think I should use a dash for each bowl. What do you folks think I should do?
  2. ^either of those things, or you could wrap it in waxpaper and then iron it to make hash
  3. Top bowls, mix it with the weed and roll a blunt. The wax paper hash idea is good. Also you can KWISO your grinder.

    Place grinder in a bag with about half a cup of 91% rubbing alcohol. Mix up each piece, Keif aswell, Then pour onto a dish and let it evap. Then youll have grinder hash.
  4. yeah, i thought of that, how much better is hash?
  5. Well hash from just keif, or grinder hash, wont be super potent. But it will give you alot of a better high than just smoking the keif. Its a way better way to use keif.
  6. I prefer just straight smoking the kief. Put in a screen, or a plug nug, fill bowl with kief, enjoy.

    kief is incredibly potent, I have no idea why DMX thinks it won't make super potent hash...
  7. I'd just sprinkle it on top of a bowl.
    Or just have a straight keif bowl, that will get you fucked. :smoke:

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