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how do you roll a joint?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by frenchfries, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. i've been trying to roll a joint and i cant i've heard that you can roll one with a dollar,how do you do that.
  2. Let me google that for you
  3. Never say you cant!
  4. I was in the same boat a couple weeks ago, I had trouble rolling anything. There was a pretty good tutorial here somewhere, now I pretty much only roll joints. They don't look good but they're smokable. Practice makes perfect.
  5. I use a ciggertte roller. You know those Zig-Zag rollers? They are excellent for jointage. Get a larger MM one to accommodate wire papers, though, if you wish.

    I've tried rolling by freakin' frustrating.
  6. I'll add something other than sarcasm though. I strongly suggest going to a gas station or other such locale and grabbing a pack of Top or whatever brand loose tobacco and a pack of zig-zags. Just practice with the entire thing, and by the time you're done with that bag, you should have enough experience to at least not have to worry about embarassing yourself. You might not impress anyone yet, but at least you'll know what you're doing. Also, try different things. Different papers, techniques, whether or not you add a roach (crutch, filter, whatevery you wanna call it) and such all depend on the roller, and everyone has different preferences.
  7. I used to be terrible at rolling, and to some people's standards I still am...

    The best advice I can give though, is go for 3 skinners. Don't just stick down the smallest bit at the end though, but make sure it's atleast half longer than a normal paper.

    I find you have a lot more control and find it easier when it comes to that all important, nearly always fatal at first, MAKE OR BREAK movement... the tuck and roll. I couldn't even tuck my papers in. 3 skinners FTW for me.
  8. if you don't know how to roll a joint your probably a noob or just can't roll for shit so buy a pipe or a bong its alot faster than spending an hour trying to roll a joint if u cant roll for shit :smoking: keep tokin
  9. I was in a simliar boat last week. I picked up a baggy of American Spirit n just started rolling my own cigs, which helps you cut down a lot, practice, and appreciate each cig too.. i got like 1/4 of the bag left, but i'm way better, quicker, and more consistent now.. give it a try..

    oh and if ur gonna do that, get some filters.. make sure they're not slim lines though, i find those harder to roll. rolling with the filter'll help you get used to rolling with a lil mouth piece if you intend to use one
  10. I just make a filter from the skin packets and save them after smoking - proper filters apparently block the good stuff from reaching you?

    Anyway as much as people say just go with pipes/bong whatever, there really is NOTHING more satisfying, to me, when you just wanna chill out, so you sit down, take your time and roll a joint, look at it, appreciate the craft of it, then smoke it with a huge grin.
  11. agreed, you can tell a lot about a man from the joint he rolls
  12. Agreed with both previous posters. While you can argue that you get better hits from glass, there are three things in this world which make a man's life worth living: An ice-cold beer on a 100 degree day, a smoking your own perfectly rolled, evenly burning joint, and a blowjob from a woman who actually knows how to give one.

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