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How do you make seeds sprout?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by StFuDonny, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I know this is grow question but this is such a basic question I thought i would post it here. I have a small pot like 7 inches in diameter, i placed some seeds in some soil that previously had a flower in it. I soaked the soil with some water, and out a like 60 watt light bulb about an inch from the soil.

    How long will it take for me to see green, or is it a fuck up and there no way anything will grow?
  2. You'd get better answers in the growing section.
  3. You need to germinate them first.

    I just usually throw them in a small glass with water till they start to sprout. Takes a couple days. Then as soon as they sprout you put them in your soil and the root system will begin to develop.
  4. You don't have to germinate, but it's easier. All you have to do is place the seed slightly under the soil, not too deep, and moisten the soil pretty good and wait a couple days. It may sprout it may not.

    You don't need a light until there is actually a plant...
  5. Alright thanks guys, appreciated input.

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