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How do you make Cannabis oil that you can take drops of?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Chirf, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. I remember hearing about people taking their vaped weed and turning it into little oil drops that you can take whenever.

    I'm not sure if it was literally oil droplets or if you could ONLY use it in cooking.

    I mainly don't want to buy brownie stuff. I'd rather just take my vaped weed and turn it directly into little drops of w/e that I can take during the day.

    Does anyone know how to make it? It SEEMS like it'd be easy, but...
  2. Are you talking about like cannabis infused vegetable/coconut infused oil that you would bake into food?

    By "drops" do you mean dabs? Like the things you take off a bong with a skillet/nail?

    Or do you mean tincture? To my knowledge tinctures are taken orally in drops, which best describes what you want.

    Just try to be more specific and someone here can point you in the right direction.
  3. Drops as in actuall droplets of weed.

    As in, if I put some in a little vial, I could put it in my pocket and literally consume DROPS of liquid weed/oil/what ever it is and get high from it.
  4. That's known as a tincture and the common solvents to use would be high percentage alcohol or food grade glycerin.

    I would use herb if you truly want to be faded throughout the day, but I'm curious about the ABV bud. Good luck! :)
  5. Now I've used AVB in food oil and made cookies, brownies, cinna-buns, etc. you just replace the butter or oil or Cannabutter and vice versa.

    I've never heard of anyone using AVB for a tincture or green dragon. Really all you have to do is google 'AVB tinctures' and see what you find.

    Can't do all the work for ya ;)

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