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how do you like your bud broken up?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kushed13, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. i'm curious to see if you prefer a grinder or by hand when breaking up the doja. I most of the time prefer with my fingers just cause i feel one with the bud lol :p but grinders i guess have their own benefits
  2. I don't understand why people like grinders unless your rolling a joint/blunt. Don't people understand that the keif comes off the bud? So if you smoke a bowl without adding keif you just reduced the potency? People are just dumb. I'd rather get higher every time then get really high less often
  3. well its funny i have a titanium space case and I like it, but i dont use it all the time. I just like the kief it collects
  4. keif is just particles that come off the weed. It doesn't create anything. Your just losing potency. People are just too stupid to put two and two together.
  5. i used to break it up with my hands but after a while ive been getting sick of having my fingers all sticky when im bout to roll a jay or blunt so i just use some sharp scissors and it works perfect
  6. no need to be such a dick dude.

    to me it collects keif.

    and it doesnt loose potency as your collecting such a little amount ever time.

    go smoke a bowl before you go and call people stupid

    Also: i grind the fuck out of my bowls for teh vape.
  7. no dude the kief collects in the bottom chamber of the grinder. You then use some sort of flat thing like something on your keys and put the kief on bowls lol. Your right in the sense that kief doesnt create anything because it is already created @ Toolman
  8. I think most people who use grinders know that dude. If you break it up with your hands you lose the same amount, it just gets stuck to your fingers. At least in a grinder you can collect the kief for later. It really makes no difference, it's just personal preference.
  9. Why not just put the nug in the bowl then instead of grinding it up? And a vape is a different story. Notice how I said bowl?
  10. If I smoked a bowl I would still think people who grind are dumb unless they grind for a joint/blunt/vape.
  11. what are you even talking about

  12. Chill out dude, cause your partially wrong. I agree with you that its stupid to save kief like that, (although a kief bowl is an awesome treat) thats why you get a single stage grinder so all your kief stays with your bud. If you used the single stage your weed would be more potent than if you broke it up with your fingers because copious amounts of THC isn't getting absorbed into your finger tips.

  13. he seems to be rambling about....
  14. i like to grind my weed so i can make hash out of the keif
  15. excellent reason haha
  16. See your all elaborating in different ways on what I said. Of course using a single stage would be best but I said get higher less often which implies saving the keif. And making edibles is a different story as well. Again I said grinding with a 4 piece to smoke out of a pipe/bong

  17. you should just relax and smoke some weed
    dont need to care about others needs
  18. your just diggin the hole deeper.
  19. So then just break a nug off and put it in the bowl.
  20. #20 ToolMan1026, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Sorry you don't understand. I wish I could put it in 5th grade language for you to understand.
    Let's be respectful of others -redhat11

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