how do you know when your too high to drive?

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by CitySmoker420, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. when your holding onto the grass so you wont fall into the sky?
  2. when i lock my car and leave the keys in the door. . .
  3. when you cant find the steering wheel and wonder what the keys are for.
  4. when you lock yourself in the car with the keys outside the door...:p
  5. If you're cruisin' along at 35 or 40 mph and you notice the speedometer only reads 12, you may consider it a possibility that you MIGHT be a little high, sort of.
  6. When you have thoughts like "McDonald's sounds good, let's stop there on the way"
  7. When I start it up and I think I'm being shot at because of how the muffler makes loud banging noises(could happen, though; shitty part of town).
  8. Man i remember when i was younger like right before i got my license and blazed some fucking killer dank. My buddy had this caddy and told me to drive cause he dropped this joint in the car and couldn't find it. we both thought i had been driving for like 25 mins, then all the sudden i hear this sound its like RORRRRRRRRRRRR. I revved up the engine, cause i was in neutral the whole fucking time. It was fucking hilarious. Thats the last time i can remember though, being too high to drive. I drive high all the time, even on some fucking killer, driving drunk is a different story, I stay away from that shit its way to fucking hard, im drunk right fucking buzzing killer right now on some beamer, but im safe at home no dui's or fucking jail for me fuck that shit.
  9. When I try to get into someone elses car first...while they are still in there
  10. this is the truth, happens several times when i think im crusing at a comfortable speed but im really just creepin up and down the road :smoking:
  11. when you dont know how to drive around your windshield
  12. when you drive backwards for 5 minutes because making a u-ey is too much work.
  13. When your looking for your car for 15mins+ then realize you took a cab

    When you finish your 1/4th in one sitting
  14. When you run over a small child on a bike.
  15. When you ask your passenger if you're driving right now.
  16. Yeah man, whenever my friends and I are blazing at a drive-thru we always end up hitting kids. It's insane. Happens all the time. :hello:

    Hahaha. There was this one time that I was just leaving my friends house, and I'm driving for a few seconds, than start bugging out thinking I was in the wrong car hahahaha. Oh man, I laughed the rest of the way home though.
  17. when you think it's a good idea to climb in the trunk.
  18. wow me too. i think that every stoner has done it AT LEAST twice.

  19. haha. this happens to me all the time. I live in the suburbs so we got some twisty roads. I think im flying and the passengers are like "WTF?! ur going 20 in a 45!!"

  20. Or, when you tell your passenger where to turn.

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