I'm not using a PC box but I wanted to hook up a couple PC fans for exhaust and intake. The fans I saw only have these weird plugs to go inside a computer. How do I power the fans?
Cool! Easy! Thank you! I would have probably electrocuted myself or burnt down my home if I just tried wiring to regular AC cables
Haha, no worries. You can get adjustable voltage DC adapters no problem, or just use some old phone chargers or something. Then it's just a case of wiring positive to positive and negative to negative Good luck bro!
Not too sure, no more than about $20 I would've thought. I've just rigged up some old phone charger etc for the moment, they work fine and cost nothing ^^
It must be 9-14vdc aprox, the dc part is important vac doesnt work. Super nintendos have a nice big one could run alot of fans off one. Lots of thrift stores have a box of random powersuplies in their electronics dept. There are also tutorials on "jumpering" a pc powersuply to run with out a mobo you get lots of 12v plus 5v and 3v power the leds. The color codes of the wires are well documented for case modding and extreme overclocking/cooling.