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How do you hide your buds?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Placid, May 10, 2011.

  1. How do you hide your buds (If you have to)? show me your inventiveness haha..

    I store my buds in an airtight plastic container in the side of my computer tower, when I don't need my shit, I just close the side of the tower :p
  2. I usually have it laying around in my apartment so it's easy to reach. But when I get paranoid I usually show it into my printer.

    I don't really like hiding it too well, I always end up forgetting where I put it when I take a bowl. This one time I lost my whole bag and a few hours later I realized it was inside one of my speakers lol, had to screw that shit up and it was a pain in the ass to fish it out.
  3. In a safe in my room. I'm so much worried about hiding it, I just have lots of house parties and want to keep it safe.
  4. I have a safe is it needs to be put away safely.

    The computer tower idea sounds neat.
  5. In a canister with me everywhere I go since I got my last shit stolen. Stupid, I know, but I'm pretty much never high when I'm out anyway. Also I never carry more than a couple grams...
  6. i have a wooden box screwed into the top of the back of my draw ( sorry if it dousnt make sence) if you push it, then the front pops down on a hinge, then push it back in and its closed, some wierd device haha was already in the draws when i got them (safe place to hide jewellery or something)
  7. At the bottom of my bowl, only my lighter flame can find it :p

  8. hahaha dope as!
  9. can't believe no one has said ps2. perfect for anywhere below 4 or 5 grams. there are shit ton of broken ps2's in the world. so it shouldn't be too hard to find one.
  10. I put it inside my tennis bag and since I play tennis almost every day I take my tennis stuff and my weed with me everywhere
  11. In a sock. In a bag. In my room. Along with my pipe, lighter, leftover dime bags and other random crap.
  12. I put it in a baby food jar inside of my old soft iPad case, then put it behind a stack of dvds and other stuff. It's pretty well hidden and looks inconspicuous haha. I put my mflb box behind a big stack of video games and consoles, under the table holding my tv.
  13. Usually outside, or in a random place in the house where no one checks. My dad was a prison guard for 8 years so when my room would get searched, every single thing was found and I could have sworn no one would find it. I'm talking in pillows that id slightly cut open and stick my bowl in there and in speakers, etc...
  14. #15 OGkushak, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Australian? Lol
  15. I carry a nug or two with me, and hide the rest in dime bags, then in a glad bag, then in a glass jar for freshness. Then I take out the bottom drawer from my "desk" or whatever you may have, and hide it underneat there. There's usually a good 4 inches of clearance, give or take. And nobody's gonna look there unless it smells

  16. Yeah man, Australian lol :p
  17. pill bottle in bottom of nightstand
  18. Inside an old broken computer.
  19. I keep my bud in an air tight Tupperware container, keeps it sticky, danky and fresh, then I put that container inside this nice fancy box I got with a watch, then put THAT in my nightstand. I try and make my room look as normal as possible and not have shit lying around, cuz even though my dad knows I smoke and doesn't care, he's still kind of a dick about it honestly, so I still hide my shit.

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