how do you guys get girls...what do you say, hint, do. your personal stories or techniques if you know what i mean Personally, you look around for one till you see an attractive girl. try to make eye contact, watch her body language. Then you go into conversation ya know? what do you guys do
Don't think about it to much, talk to her, if she's not interested.. then fuck it and move on to the next one. Confidence is key! also you might be lucky like me when she comes up to you never know man..
Honestly bro lets say your in line at the store or some shit and for arguments sake your next to some sexy ass chick thats by herself. Casually just say sumthin like damn this lines long, so what are you up to at the mall today, etc. etc. etc. Keep up with the small talk and then eventually just ask for her number. Just say something good after the small talke like "So damn you seem like a pretty chill girl we should chill sometime." Usually from there I personally wait for the girl to call me because that means she wants you (You could call her to but id wait a few days.) Idk im high as fuck on all sorts of things but thats some advice to you my dude. And neva forget theres a billion fish in the sea, just keep trying but dont seem desperate. GODSPEED!
I like some of the funny responses, but let's get serious here for a second. The romantic approach works best: Ask them out, take them somewhere, and pay for her meal, movie ticket, etc. Sometimes taking them out for coffee first is a good idea just to get an idea if there's any chemistry. If you can't afford to pay, get a job.
If you're unemployed, you can check out Laundromats and stores to find housewives who are available during the day - but have the rendezvous' at your place, not her and her husband's.
I don't what the fuck i do,but it works.I was with my mom to her dentist appointment and i went to the subway across the street and first off,the guy that made my sandwish,in the middle of making it,told me he was high,which i thought was pretty funny,then as i was leaving,i notice this girl was staring at me hard.I stop and asked "Do i know you from somewhere?" She did look familiar to me,She said "no" and i was like,"are you sure?you don't live Palmdale?" She said "no ,but i heard Palmdale is a real party town" we talk alittle longer and the next thing i know were smoking a bowl and shotguning then were making out in the subway bathroom and i was about to get head till it hit me,My mom's appointment! An,sure enough when we walk outside,my mom was waiting for me.She just looked at me and say ,ohh~ whose the new girl friend? heheh *I'ma PIMP!*
I just got a girlfreind and its pretty easy in college. She was with a group of freinds and I knew one in the group so I just walked up and joined in on the convo. And she laughed at alot of what I said so we all went into town to get some coffee. Before the night ended I asked her for her number and asked her out the next night and were still together. Coolest GF ever
everything except force was free game when i was single....right down to induced tears by placing your cigarette holding hand under your face, then talk about how i was mistreated as a kid while a few tears dropped...