How do you grow random hybrids?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SaladFingers, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. I've always been kind of curious about this..

    I'm not a grower, but I plan on growing within a year or so. But how exactly do you take 2 strains and grow them into one? I've never really known and I would like to because I'm sure it will come in handy some day.
  2. You take the female of one strain, and the male of another strain, and cross pollinate

    You then take the seeds, called F1 seeds, grow a male and a female, and breed them.
    You then take those seeds, called F2, which is usually genetically unstable, and any trait
    of the parents can become apparent in the strain, find a good one that you like that has the traits you desire and breed it with one of the original strains. The result is an F3, and
    F3's are pretty stable from what I hear. The F3 will now be your new strain.

    I *might* be wrong on that F1-F2-F3 stuff.. Please correct me if I am!
  3. Sounds good to me. But I really need to study genetics a bit more.
  4. no your right. thats one way of growing a hybrid, there are quite a few different ways. I have a link in my sig as im going to breed a new strain also.

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