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how do you get it?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by PlAsId HiT, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. i live in florida and theres a bill going around that could potentialy legalized medical marajuana. and when it douse, i sure could use it for a few things like my depression. and i was wondering, how do i get it? do you like go to a special doctor who generaly perscribes it? or do you just suggest it to your family doctor or what?
  2. Here, we have referral services that hook you up with a doc that does nothing that writes recommendations. Remember, it's not prescribed, only recommended.

    You could potentially have any doctor write it, as long as they are in good standing with the state, but referral services are the easiest, imo
  3. Hope it works out for us florida blades man, but I have to say I really dont expect it to go through.

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