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How do you figure out percentages?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Downergilbert, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. I’m 40 and want to try and smoke again I’ve had a few good experiences when I was like in high school not many though I would get so high that I would feel as if I’m drunk and spinning and throwing up. The last time I tried was in my early 20’s and had the same experience. I’m asking about how the percentages of thc in weed are? I see some packages that say .05 but then the bag will say something crazy high? Anyways I guess I’m looking for the lowest thc possible that I can enjoy and smoke and relax and not lose my mind well maybe lose my mind a little. Please any advice would be great thank you
  2. Browse your local dispensaries, look for a lower THC (15-17%) strain that also has a fair amount of CBD in it (2% would be alright), the combination of lower THC in conjunction with the CBD will smooth out the high and make it manageable. Another possibility is to get yourself a bottle of CBD extract/tincture, that way you can smoke any strain you want and just vary the amount of CBD based on how much you need to tone down the high.
  3. thank you very much for the quick reply but forgive me I’m totally lost on what you said. I was thinking I’d just find the lowest thc and highest cbd and then I’d probably be ok? I guess what I’m trying to find is like backyard grown hippy weed type stuff. But everywhere I look is strong. I’m guessing I should stay away from sativa cause it can cause anxiety and make me spin and get sick. I would just like to have a good experience again and not get it ruined like I did 20 years ago
  4. That's precisely what you should do. Just make sure it's indica dominant.
  5. Sounds like you are just dosing too high. If you get the spins and puking, you are way over the line. Take a tiny toke Hold 3 seconds and blow it out. Set down the pipe and wait 10 minutes to give the first toke time to fully take effect. If not high enough repeat.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Some people are super sensitive initially.
  7. My wife is a cheap cannabis date. A couple of tokes and she is blasted. Edibles are even more effective on her. A single drop of the Hash oil I make is too much. It needs thinned 3 to 1 with more plain oil for her not to be too high and miserable.

  8. I hear ya, I finally got my mother in-law up to 10mg, puts her out cold.
  9. Thank you all for your help. I’d just really like to make it a positive experience and not negative.
  10. Low and slow. Sneak up on the stone taking the eventually you will arrive where you want to be approach. While you can keep stepping up the dose every 2 or 3 hours and find out in one sitting where the limits are. It has the potential of taking too much too fast and being in misery for several hours.

    Safe and sane method is to take 10mg. If no effects wait 3 days and try again with 20mg. Wait 3 or 4 days to reset and step it up again.
  11. Get a dry herb vaporizer. Set it to a low temp and take one puff. Follow up with a second puff if needed.
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