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How do you feel about naturally purified aka water-cured marijuana?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by SDV_re2, Aug 29, 2023.

  1. I know there is a sense of enjoyment in the aromatics and smoking experience in itself. But I was thinking strictly in terms of medical application and efficacy. I was thinking of getting bubble hash, then water-curing it to remove terpenes. Then water curing the leaf seperately.

    Ultimately, aim is to get broad spectrum cannabinoids devoid of anyhting else. That I can use as an oil or tincture.

    Just wondering what everyone's thoughts and experiences are regarding water-cured cannabis? As far as i'm aware, Cannabinoids are the only fat soluble component of marijuana, so everything else should just wash away with the water, but is there anything I should lok out for?

    My favourite strains are Wi-fi OG and Alien OG and was wondering if I cure them, will there be a net difference in high
  2. I wasn't aware of this process, had to google and read about it....interesting...but seems to be a big pain in the ass to have to change the water every day.
  3. I often water cure my weed changing the water daily for between 2-4 days, it don't remove the terps, but does remove the chloropyll fast with a little drop in flavor and little smell, so has its uses

    I prefer to add my bud to a wire trash bin lowering into a bucket, of water kept at a temp of 75f/22c by a fishtank heater, cool-cold water you will loose trics big time ....see ice hash

    as for distintive strains that you need to test yourself,

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  4. I like to water cure any cannabis bud that I'm going to cook with.

    A water cure will not change the high.
    Why would you want to wash away the terpenes from bubble hash?
    • Agree Agree x 1

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