How do you embed youtube videos?

Discussion in 'General' started by Gamer, Jun 20, 2009.

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  1. How do you embed them here?
  2. just c&p the url!
  3. All you gotta do is paste the plain link (NOT HTML code) in to the window where you can see what you are typing.

  4. Faux Pas.
    1:A faux pas (, plural: faux pas ) is a violation of accepted social rules (for example, standard customs or etiquette rules).
    2:a socially awkward or tactless act.
    What the hell'd you mean by that? o.0
  5. Probably the second definition.... Basically saying he was a couple minutes too late XD

  6. The term comes originally from French, and literally means "false step".

  7. dafs vvsvs dva a a
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