How do you deal with your exes?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by CanadianLady420, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. I haven't seen this ex in 1.5 years and now - he is everywhere.
    First flagging me down in the streets. Now, driving by waving.

    I can't help but feel real akward in these momments. I guess I don't want to be a rude cunt, so I make conversation back and do the akward wave.

    How do you guys deal with these fucking weird momments???
  2. Well just ignore him. He will get the hint and will stop wanting to feel like a loser when you dont wave back.

    Dont even stop to tell him off, just ignore.
  3. Well I ignore them, or tell them it needs to stop.
    if he is just waving I mean there isn't much you can do
    If it becomes an issue slap a restraining order on him, I don't know your history but if my ex was doing that. I would do it(he a a crazy asshole though)
  4. When you see him.

  5. Yea, this guy is harmless.

    The weirdest thing is how this dude looks at me - same way he looked at me when we were together.

    I knew I would run into this guy eventually, but I assumed he would be rude or ignore me.

    Just weird - not typical ex behavior on his part.
  6. Alimony check is how I deal with my ex.

  7. And you say he is everywhere?

    He clearly isn't over you.
  8. some people get over whats happened in the past and treat people they know with some respect when they see them out in public you know. its crazy, i know.
  9. My exes all treat me like I never existed.

  10. This. the way I see it your girl is supposed to be like your best friend, so even if things dont work out why be mad at her?
  11. he's going to rape you.
  12. finally someone with their head screwed on right
  13. Do you have any reason to believe he is being anything other than friendly?

    When you say he's everywhere, has he just bumped into you a few times on accident?

    The dude left you alone for a year and half. He is clearly over things, you should be too.
  14. ...with a knife


    nah just messing

    I kneecap the bastard :D

  15. Maybe.. now bare with me... but maybe its because...

    hes the same person?
  16. i hope and pray i NEVER run into my ex!
  17. ok so you expect your ex to run in the opposite direction when he sees you in public. is that what im getting here?

    i dont see what the problem is at all. he sees you, he knows you, he initiates a conversation or some kind of gesture to acknowledge you and say hi. thats what normal people do when they see someone they know.
  18. [quote name='"CanadianLady420"']

    Yea, this guy is harmless.

    The weirdest thing is how this dude looks at me - same way he looked at me when we were together.

    I knew I would run into this guy eventually, but I assumed he would be rude or ignore me.

    Just weird - not typical ex behavior on his part.[/quote]

    In that case he seems like a decent person who isn't about acting like an ass when he gets dumped, just do the same thing. Be respectful. But don't be overly friendly, who knows if he still has feelings for you or not, and he is an ex for a reason. So make sure there are boundries, you don't need to be friends if you don't want, but if he is just being friendly be friendly back
  19. To be completely honest, if i see my ex-boyfriend again I'm going to rip his nuts off and slap him with them. Fucking bitch boy.

    And if i see my ex-girlfriend again I'll probably hug the shit outta her. I miss that silly girl. :(

    All the other ones just get a "Hey, how's it going?" "Oh yeah?" "Well, I'm busy, have a good day/night/life". The usual.

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