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How do you deal with harsh hits or coughing?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Gooseman, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. A common situation, we've all been at the mercy of a really harsh hit or two with at least some frequency. What I'm interested in is what you do to prevent or deal with coughing and dry throat from such hits.

    Of course there is the standard "drink water/beer/etc." cure, but I find for myself that preventing the cough itself is a much more appealing goal. Here are just a few things that I find work well.

    -Halls cough drops. These are my favorite. The menthol coats your throat so you don't feel the cough coming on, and somehow it also does wonders in preventing dry mouth as well.:confused:

    -Honey. Works like Halls, but not nearly as well or for as long.

    -Orajel. Got some one day after biting my tongue. It numbs the fuck out of your mouth and throat so it's good for the cough, but it isn't exactly a pleasant feeling.

    Feel free to add more, I would like to see if anybody else has some interesting methods.:wave:
  2. Well if I gotta cough I'll cough like a muthafucka tho I do agree about the cough drops cuz I'll take 1 right after I'm done smoking
  3. Use more percolation.

    Quick gargle of mouthwash.

    Just deal with it.

    ^my mehtods
  4. I deal with it but a good way to prevent your throat from hurting after coughing is to make sure you blow all the smoke out before you start your cough lol

    It always works for me. If I blow out all the smoke first then cough it never really hurts. But if you start coughing before you let out smoke, that shit fuckin hurts man.
  5. My favorite, and the most simple, answer.
  6. I always keep a supply of Propel by me,
    plus I have a cool water humidifier, if I
    know I'm gonna have a long sesh or
    something, I'll turn it on for about 30 mins
    before and I seem to cough...well shit I
    don't cough at all.

    That could be me though.
  7. Drink some robotussin before hand
  8. Hearing some interesting methods, just wanted to comment on just dealing with the coughing.

    Of course, we always have times when we just have to deal with it, and I like what sircoughalot contributed, trying to diminish what coughing will occur. Reminded me of one other method that usually works.

    When you feel the cough coming on, do your best and try your hardest to hold it in, no matter how strong the urge to cough. Swallowing when you feel the reflex works quite well. I find that after 5 or so seconds the need to cough seems to go away for whatever reason and I can exhale smoothly.:smoke:
  9. Yeah but when that doesn't work I make this sound: WOOOO*COUGH*"

    Friends make fun of me for it. >.>
    I don't mind. haha.

    Also for harsh hits, I reccommend just drawing in the smoke slower. Sometimes it works. :confused_2:

    I really have to try the cough drops though. Never thought of it, but now that I know. I must try.
  10. Ice tea.

    Or hot tea really...
  11. I don't deal with it, it looks like I'm going through an exorcism when I take a harsh hit
  12. I usually hold my coughs in and they go away, i do make a weird noise when i hold them in though. Or if i start coughing i just hold my breath lol
  13. I just take more small hits to prevent hashness. Proabably gets me higher too, as it spreads out the bowl over a longer time allowing more absorption.

    If I do end up taking a harsh one, I relax and try to suppress it. Exhale slow and just relax. I also always have my water bottle.
  14. I just cough unless I can suppress the cough. Nobody likes when someones coughing up a storm so I'm quite good at not coughing.
  15. I'm just able to not cough... but I still do get a dry throat. Those throat lozenges are a great way to deal with both. Nothing else needed really.

    If you're feeling fancy, a nice honey tea works wonder too :cool:
  16. [​IMG]

    I keep it old school:cool:

  17. This is what I do. Afterwords I take a nice swig of cranberry juice (my favorite refreshment) and I'm good to go...
  18. I don't know if it has been mentioned already, but humming usually works for me and my friends. Like when you take that big hit and you feel the cough coming on, then you start to hum. It stops the irritation, noise, and if you're with friends they'll usuay laugh their asses off because it sounds funny when you're blown haha
  19. this.
    then chase with this.

    then this :bongin:
  20. in case you dont have coughdrops handy, minty gum will work.

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