Never should you use scissors. Ever. Excpet if the bud wasnt dried properly and is still to moist as to where it "tears" rather than crumbles.
I use a grinder, and to the guy who said don't use scissors... do you have any logic in that statement?
Are there people out there who actually use battery or electricity-powered grinders? It's not coffee, people.
I use coffee grinders, Why not? It gets the job done way better and faster Especially if you like ediables
whats the difference in using grinder scissors or hands your all still breaking up the weed. someone enlighten me please
I love to use my sharpstone grinder but most the time I just want to do it real quick I use my fingers.
Fingers generally (smoke more glass than papers ) Break that nug apart, the caveman man Who voted scissors ?
3 piece grinder, I'm thinking of upgrading to a 4 piece but I don't know if the small spike in kief production is worth it.