How do they look?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Stonedolla, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. I’m thinking I have a deficiency in a few of these plants was wondering if you guys had any tips on what you think it might exactly be I hit them with Cal mag already. Getting ready to flip these girls into flower . Just want to make sure they’re healthy first.

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  2. Bit of nute burn perhaps. Also how close is your light.
  3. try doing a test on the water runoff check the PH and PPMS if the PPMS are under 400 feed them and the PH should be mid 6s
  4. feed npk even ratio if it were me
  5. Ok thanks. Light is about a foot away. 1 Se3000 and 2 vs1000 500 watts all together. What do I use to check the pms?
  6. get a ppm / ph meter set on amazon for like 10 bucks its important tool to have
  7. Ok thanks appreciate the advice.

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