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How do I tell...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nick0530, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Well, basically, around these parts of Fredericksburg, VA, most dealers don't know what they get. They just know they sell it at 10 a g.

    This has it's benefits at times. Some times, I've noticed a multitude of orange hairs, crystals, etc. all for 10 a g.

    Sometimes, it's barely mids, and it's just average price.

    But lately, I haven't been able to put a name to a price. I just got 1.3g for 10 bucks, (dealer doesn't own a scale, lawl) that he claims is Chronic.

    Now I've smoked chronic before, numerous times. However, I have always been told that it was chronic by very knowledgeable sources.

    To get to the point of what I'm asking, how can you tell if you have chronic? Does anyone have a good picture?
    What are things to look out for, smells, etc.

    Also, I can upload a picture of the nug if need be.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. chronic is a generalized name for weed in my parts
  3. Im also in VA. Near Roanoke. Post up a picture and we'll try to let ya know.
  4. Hard to come across weed that isn't considered chronic anymore. Honestly though, some of the shittiest looking weed has given me the best highs so looks amount to absolute shit just like names.
  5. This.
  6. Chronic just means it's good weed. It should smell pungent, and be sticky to your fingers, dense nugs are always a bonus, if you squeeze a nug between your fingers and it doesn't compress and it leaves your fingers sticky then it's some good weed.


    To be honest tho I've had shwag that smells nothing like weed, looks like herbs/spices, but gets me high as hell. The true test is to smoke it.
  7. [​IMG]


    There's two pics I just took.
  8. #8 The Crafter, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    Can't see em.

    Edit: nevermind.
  9. I can see the first picture, Im assuming its off of your phone (b/c of the picture quality)

    If you had a better camera Im sure it would make it look alot better, but it looks like a nice solid nugget. Enjoy! :smoke:
  10. Look like mids to high mids, <<<atleast I can get pretty high off it
  11. [​IMG]

    A little better pic of it.
  12. Yea, thats some nice mids. Its got a nice light green color wih some brown hairs. Enjoy!
  13. Yeah it's dark and ambery, im sure its some good mid.
  14. Alright, thanks guys. Will +rep to those that contributed lawl.

    Had a gut feeling it wasn't chron :p
  15. To tell ya the truth, Im near Roanoke, and the last bag of bud I got looked verry similar to what you have there, with a few more crystals. Got me hella fucked up, a really clean high. Had a very strong smell too.

  16. Haha, my guy usually goes around VA for his stuff. So maybe the same lmfao.
  17. Hahaha, wouldnt suprise me. Its more of a sativa high. Kinda uplifting/ motivating high. Smokes real nice too, has a really good taste.

    My cell camera always distorts the color a little bit. But yea, still looks kinda the same, imo.

  18. hey bro I used to live there too. anyways normally in fredericksburg you're going to get high mids which is what you got. you got a great deal at $10 a gram that weed looks alright. from my experiences that does look like chronic

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