She isn't a judgmental person or anything like that, but i am not quite sure how i should tell her. I want to be honest with her since she is honest with me. Any suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Just be straight up, be like "wanna smoke a blunt?" There's a 50/50 chance she'll be down.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
i was the same way with my older sister, I started smoking in 8th grade but she didn't until college so there was anakward couple years I wanted to tell her... yadda yadda yadda now we toke up everytime we hang out lmao
Wait for her to bring up the subject then be honest. Why do you feel the need to tell her you smoke? Have you also told her you masturbate?
The first thing you need to do is have a discussion about cannabis and get her views on the subject. She may have some legitimate concerns regarding your recreational past time. She might think it can be detrimental to your physiological and psychological health. Educate yourself on the subject. Granny Storm Crow has a lot of great information you can draw from. Alleviate your sister's concerns (if she has any) and let her know you're a responsible individual by being well informed. It's not a question of whether she is judgmental or not. It's about her caring for you and worrying about the effects of cannabis usage. The government propaganda machine has been busy confusing people and convincing them for decades that weed is addictive and just makes people crazy or lazy non-productive losers or even criminals. I don't know the history with your sister. Whether you've always been close or have had problems in the past. Everything we do has consequences and how she views your confession has a lot to do with your past relationship. If you feel that you truly have her complete trust then do this the right way.
@"Airf0nz0" because i dont want to have to hide it from her. Like if i wanna get high while shes around its hard now. So id rather be open and smoke freely. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="DarkThoughts" post="19362662" timestamp="1390052034"]She isn't a judgmental person or anything like that, but i am not quite sure how i should tell her. I want to be honest with her since she is honest with me. Any suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Does she smoke? If your straight up with her i doubt she would decline. It might be awkward at first but just come out and say it, that how it was for me and my bro, it was awkward at first but now every time he comes home from college we pretty much get blazed everyday.
[quote name="Thee Mushroom Man" post="19362844" timestamp="1390056239"]Does she smoke? If your straight up with her i doubt she would decline. It might be awkward at first but just come out and say it, that how it was for me and my bro, it was awkward at first but now every time he comes home from college we pretty much get blazed everyday.[/quote]Nah she doesnt and thats what sucks lolSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="DarkThoughts" post="19362851" timestamp="1390056414"]Nah she doesnt and thats what sucks lolSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Ouch. Thats a tough one. Is she a bitch? Do u think she would tell? Because i dont know your sister, i would be a little skeptical telling, you should ease it in to her, because she might freak out and tell on you. Just be careful, and make sure she doesn't know where your stash is, just in case you have to deny it to your parents.
[quote name="Thee Mushroom Man" post="19362891" timestamp="1390057395"]Ouch. Thats a tough one. Is she a bitch? Do u think she would tell? Because i dont know your sister, i would be a little skeptical telling, you should ease it in to her, because she might freak out and tell on you. Just be careful, and make sure she doesn't know where your stash is, just in case you have to deny it to your parents.[/quote]Nah she isnt like that at all. I should be okay but i get nervous with shit like this.
[quote name="DarkThoughts" post="19362898" timestamp="1390057581"]Nah she isnt like that at all. I should be okay but i get nervous with shit like this.[/quote]Your not alone my man. As i said it was the same for me. Maybe tell her when parents arent home, but you have to just come out and say it. If you just sitting on the couch just tell her you smoke weed, ask her if she does. If she gets really mad, then dont talk to her about it for a while. If she kinda of just goes, "ok?". If she says that you could ask her, hey you wanna smoke with me?. If she says no dont pressure her, that will make her not want to do it. If she says "yes", i think you know what to dr you could just get a huge bong and just walk in the room where she is, take a huge hit and then say "wanna try". lol.
[quote name="Thee Mushroom Man" post="19362944" timestamp="1390058192"]Your not alone my man. As i said it was the same for me. Maybe tell her when parents arent home, but you have to just come out and say it. If you just sitting on the couch just tell her you smoke weed, ask her if she does. If she gets really mad, then dont talk to her about it for a while. If she kinda of just goes, "ok?". If she says that you could ask her, hey you wanna smoke with me?. If she says no dont pressure her, that will make her not want to do it. If she says "yes", i think you know what to dr you could just get a huge bong and just walk in the room where she is, take a huge hit and then say "wanna try". lol.[/quote]Haha i love the 2nd approach but i dont know how well that would go over. But still a great thing to think about. Would break the ice about that topic pretty quick.
just be like "by the way sis i smoke weed.. hope that doesn't bother you" i don't think it needs to be a whole big discussion lol