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How do i Smoke in my room without Getting Caught?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by trees69, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. How do I smoke in my room without getting caught? I wanna smoke at like, 6:00AM before i leave the house, and i dont want my parents to find out.

    How can i smoke without getting caught?
  2. Why can't you smoke outside
  3. inb4agepolice

    Have a fan, febreeze, and a towel under the door. Don't smoke joints/blunts, and take small hits or snaps from a bowl or bong.
  4. Im 18, just because i live with my parents, doesn't mean everyone has to assume that im 12 years old.. :(

    Oh, and i can't smoke outside, because there are too many people around.
  5. Yea have a towel under a the door a fan blowing towards an open window and only take hits that you can clear in one try and if you really dont wanna get caught then get a smoke buddy.
  6. #6 Verdurous, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2012
    Step One - Ask homeowner's permission.

    If Given Permission: Proceed to Step Two. :smoke:
    If Denied Permission: Respect their wishes and don't smoke in their home. :devious:

    Step Two - Precautionary actions:

    • Cover crack under your door with a towel.
    • Open window and put a fan in it to increase circulation.
    • Get air freshener, preferably odor neutralizing.
    • Get the green Rhoto (best I've found) eye drops for redness relief.
    • Get hand sanitizer.
    • Get cologne/perfume.

    Step Three - Procedure.

    • Make sure towel is in place and the fan is turned on high :)laughing:).
    • Smoke your weed being sure to blow hits out the window.
    • If you're paranoid, you can spray air freshener between tokes, but make sure it's very little, like half a second's worth.
    • When finished, clean up your weed immediately.
    • Put hand sanitizer on to clean your hands.
    • You can take a little sanitizer and put it on your shirt. (It evaporates leaving behind the fresh scent.)
    • Put on a little cologne/perfume.
    • Spray air freshener in room, but make sure not to overdo it, but ensure the smell is thoroughly masked.
    • Put in eye drops.
    • Keep fan in window for as long as you can, but you can turn it down if necessary.
    • Remove towel from under door.

    Step Four - Additional security measures:

    • Wash hands.
    • Brush teeth.
    • Put hairspray or gel in hair.
    • Take a shower.
    • Etc.

    I also recommend sploofs so you don't have to sit with your head in the window.

    Also, be careful about your window at night because everyone will be able to see. You might have to turn your light off to be safe.
  7. Just get a pipe if you dont have one and smoke outside, theres always a safe place somewhere outside, smoking it inside is going to create tons of problems
  8. Can't believe nobody mentioned a vaporizer. I hit mine all the time with family home and awake and nobody suspects (not even my brother who smokes also) hell I do it in the family room which is right next to where my mom usually is all day and she can't smell it
  9. What the fuck is this? Like.. Seriously?
    Just pack a small bowl that you can clear in one hit and blow it out the window. I dont mean to be rude but theres some overkill going on here.
    A fan blowing towards the window is fine, it will help keep the smoke out.
    Then if youre really paranoid burn some incense and thats that.
    Once the snoke is out the snoke is out you know? If you pack a snapper the smoke goes from your bowl, through the bong, into your lings, and straight out the widow. Leaving no odour whatsoever in the first place.
    Gum or brushing your teeth is understandable after smoking but nothing else is necessary.. Like cologne? The fuck?

  10. Don't be rude. My method is infallible, that's all. lol It can be used around the most uptight parents and they wouldn't suspect a thing unless you go over board on the cologne or air freshener.

    I myself actually only use the eye drops, sanitizer, and a light spritz of cologne to freshen up. The rest of that is room related and sketchy parent precaution. :smoke:
  11. Keep an emergency poop in a bag so if they come in you can immediately dump it on the floor and be like 'sorry bout the smell mom i just had to crap a little'

    the smell + visual of the poop will distract your mom enough that she will leave before asking about that lingering skunky smell in your room
  12. Smoke and blow out the window or just go outside on your back porch, no ones gonna be watching or call the cop bro
  13. Wow, thanks everyone, im trying tommorow :)
  14. mate get a grip if your parents say no you best obey them, unless of course you can afford a house of residence for yourself.
  15. [quote name='"KenjaminK"']

    Don't be rude. My method is infallible, that's all. lol It can be used around the most uptight parents and they wouldn't suspect a thing unless you go over board on the cologne or air freshener.

    I myself actually only use the eye drops, sanitizer, and a light spritz of cologne to freshen up. The rest of that is room related and sketchy parent precaution. :smoke:[/quote]

    Hey man im sorry as i said i didnt mean to be rude i was just surprised some people had to go this far to just get a toke or two before bed:D
    But i think we can agree only a few of those precautionary steps are required. Thats all:D
  16. Do you guys reckon the airconditioner vent in my room will distribute the smoke throughout the house ?

  17. Seriously.. just get a vape... all your worries will be gone... MFLB.. love it or hate.. it's great for getting a stealthy hit...
  18. If your trying to not get caught. i do this everyday and its pretty fool proof. open a window (or two if you have multiple) have a box fan blowing out the window. Make a spoof ( like 7 dryer sheets and paper towel roll ) and blow threw that straight out your fan. When your smoking do smoke joints or blunts, and pack individual hits, to avoid excess smoke drifting into the air.
  19. and i would next recommend smoking a tape just openly in your house or room. With the experiences i have with my tape and friends, it still leaves a pretty smell thoughtout the air. Maybe not with better vaporizers tho? idk only got a digital table top one
  20. Throw half a dozen dryer sheets in a toilet paper roll take another one and wrap some ozone powder if you have any in it stuff in tube with tissue until packed tight while still allowing air flow cover with you guessed it a damn dryer sheet wrap a rubber band around it and use it for all smoke tainted air.

    Next step is seriously figuring out a way to enjoy what you like in life without being a sneak about it outside law enforcement depending upon where you live in the world and you circumstances there is no reason to sneak around with your family man you will end up regretting it most likely.

    Good luck

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