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how do i recommend it to someone without sounding like a stoner

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by poooops, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. My Grandma has been having back problems which are tied to her shoulder problems which have partly to do with an accident from when she was 6 and old pains from when she had breast-cancer surgery. right now her back is in a pretty bad state and it hurts to watch her like this. i know from talking to her a while back and she stated that if she could no longer live on her own and do things on her own she would soon lose purpose in life and die, because if you can't function on your own, you're useless- so her figuring says. and i don't want her to die, she's my grandma, and i love her. but now i have this little problem. her pain meds work but not all the time and on top of that i can tell that they make her a bit sick and not entirely aware. so what i am wondering is how do i recommend to her that she try medicinal marijuana for her multiple qualifications (live in CA, shouldn't be a problem to get) without coming off as a stoner myself.
  2. That sounds like a hard one man. I personally would bake some brownies or something and maybe make her watch The Union
    which is (The Union : Documentary about marijuana)

    I think it would be better for brownies or marijuana cooking oil , because Im sure your grandma wouldnt want to be inhaling smoke in her condition, I also had a grandmother pass away from Cancer ,so I feel your pain man. If she absoloutly refuses, don't push it on her y'know?

    All the best bro, Purple :wave:
  3. You start by clicking the first link in my sig! I have the medical studies and articles that will help you convince her that cannabis IS medicine! Just print up what "clicks" and educate her!

    If smoking is a problem, look at the "Methods of Use" sections. Tinctures and edibles are easy to make. :D

    She had breast cancer? Show her articles like-

    Medical marijuana news. Cannabidiol stops the spread of breast cancer.
    (news - 2010)
    Medical marijuana news. Cannabidiol stops the spread of breast cancer. - National Cannabis Revolution |

    Just stick with the medical facts! And you might mention that cannabidiol (CBD) does NOT get you "high"- new, high CBD/ low THC strains are becoming available in California!

    Granny :wave:
  4. It's nice to see somebody else spreading awareness of marijuana's anti-cancer properties. :hello:
  5. Yo Gma I made you a special cake that will take away all your pain and worries....
  6. LOL. Oh lord I'm baked
  7. you say "hey granny, i got some new medication that'll work better then those meds you have, and theres no bad side-effects" if she says yes, you trade the sac of weed for her pills and have a good time :D

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