Just had a conversation with my mother not even an hour ago about a situation that took place while her and the family (step dad, younger sister and two younger step brothers) were in Montreal last week for a vacation while I remained home as exams are approaching in the next couple weeks. Enough bullshit aside, found out that on the last night they were there (last Saturday) my youngest step brother (who's 13) was in one hotel room with my sister (nearly 16) and his brother meanwhile my mom and step dad had their own room. So this kid apparently started pulling down my sisters pants but thank the fuck god she woke up and absolutely tore into him. My other step brother was woken up by this and my sister and him talked about it for a while and neither of them could sleep, meanwhile the younger step brother fell back asleep I guess. So we're about a week into this and can't help but feel bad for my step dad who has to deal with this, he has four kids who are all equally fucked up. I'm absolutely enraged right now and even though the huge age gap (I'm 21 compared to him being 13) I'm not comfortable and am probably never going to be comfortable with this kid around at all as long as he's in the same house as my sister. I can't say what made these kids so fucked, my step dads ex wife is an absolute prick who may be the least intelligent human being I've ever had the displeasure to hear of, before my mom and him were together apparently his relationship at the end with his wife was extremely volatile and unhealthy, this might have to do with his kids being as they are but being the role of big brother I'm not having any shit from anyone when it comes to my family. Anyways, yeah I'm really fucking pissed. My youngest step brother isn't allowed back to this house until he's gone through some sort of professional care and what else I don't know, there is now a lock on my sisters bedroom which is bullshit cause she shouldn't have to feel like that in her own home and I'm just hoping she's able to cope with it the best way she can. I guess all I can really ask of you guys is how would you handle this and have you had to before? I've never had to deal with anything like this yet and I'm hoping it's the only time it does.
Had me going damn till shit got dark lol. Um I'm not really sure with this either, one option is to take the advice above and "beat his ass" like a dog. But he's half family by law..... IHDK.
That awkward, "I'm not sure if this is real or a April's Fool" is creeping in. Either way, I go with IRON. BEAT HIS ASS! If you don't teach them a lesson now, it'll only get worse. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
A) beat his ass like everyone is saying, which will make him step back with your sisters I suppose, but I don't think It'll help him much... B) Help him. He's 13, a kid. What made him do that? Why? I think he needs professional help, but you could also talk to him, listen to what he says, make sure he understands that what he did is unacceptable. I mean, cmon, are you really gonna beat up a 13 yo?
Hire a big black guy to come into his room at night and pull his pants down, see how he likes that Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
After the initial shock & when you calmed down. I would say "WTF ARE YOU DOING! Where in your fucked up head is that behaviour EVER acceptable! Sort your fucking self out or you will spend a lot of time locked up &shunned! Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
What do you mean when you say the kids are fucked up? Has this little punk displayed behaviour like this, or similarly fucked up, before? At any rate, violence isn't the answer. The kid is just that: a kid. Maybe he needs a lesson in boundaries. Someone to explain the definition of sexual assault. A discussion on morality. My brother is 13 and a good kid -- that's how I'd approach it. Then again, if this brother of yours is a repeat offender and constant shithead, maybe he needs a good threat sent his way.
Shit Happens Be glad she did not wake up to him finishing up inside of her Man what the hell is in the Milk these Days
IMO hitting the kid will cause you some potentially serious charges, theres motive as well ya know. I also have to say I dont have siblings and thats a increidibly upsetting situation, which calls for something. Im not saying to steal his gameboy, but if his elders will deal with it well they should know to begin with. Id personally want to let him know if he tries anything else, youll retaliate potentially.