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How do I pack a bong with ground weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Wookie1452, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Just bought some shit and it came pre ground. I know I didn't get ripped off but I never got it pre ground before, how am I supposed to pack a bong with this? Just like regular? Maybe I should just roll it?
  2. take herb. put into slide. ignite herb in slide. suck in air and smoke. exhale. get high.
  3. same shit man. except I've heard of bongs that you can't put ground were in the bowl because of the shape and it just falls right in your chamber. that's just the bowls fault my friend bought a bong from some guy he'd never seen before for $5 lol
  4. Do you usually pack your bong without grinding your weed?
  5. use a screen?
  6. If there are any stems or anything just put a stem at the bottom which will keep it from falling through. Its a bitch to pack a bowl with just ground up weed but you have to try and find the biggest nugs and put them at the bottom.
  7. Stick a screen or small pebble into your bowl.
  8. You need a screen if it is broken up too much, however for most bowls you can just press it down and it will be fine.

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