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How do I make olive oil + an ounce of mids?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by johnja, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I've cooked up some brownies with a few grams of kush and 11g of vape shake, and it worked great. But that was such a small amount, it was easy to keep all of the bud concentrated into a half cup of oil. I'm getting an ounce of mids, and was wondering what the best method of getting it into a small amount (half-cup to one cup) of oil. I have a crock pot that I can use, and can put a container inside for a 'double boiler' effect. Or I can use the stovetop. I just want to know how to put so much herb into a cook-able amount of oil.
    Or should I go for more oil? I want them to stay very potent so that one brownie or cookie will have the same effect as my first batch.
    Thanks for the help

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