How do i make my PC case smell/light proof?

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by Area 11, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Im not sure how to go about this. should i just duct tape any surface holes, like the ones under the front cover and on the back. and should i just caulk the edges and corners of it?
  2. If you duct tape all the holes then how is any air going to get in:confused:
    Lol just kidding, i know what your talking about. A carbon filter box will cover both the light and the smell problems. Im not sure where you get carbon filters from but just stuff that whole mo fuckin box full of them, Put your duct in the hole you sawed int he side of it for the exit, and bam. No smell can get out and neither can light. Oh and you can make the box out of cardboard if you want. Just duct tape it over the fan.

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