How do i grow outdoor in the winter in california

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by lovesarahmy1, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. I just got my rec's and am quickly realizing it is much cheaper to grow than just to go buy it all the time. question is: can i just get some clones and go plant them in my back yard and expect them to produce good bud? its november, will it grow?:confused:
  2. it's pretty cold right now. if you do that without providing supplemental lighting to veg them to a proper size... they will begin to flower. you could take them outside for daylight then supplement indoors with some additional lighting.
  3. Window sill until March.
  4. Ok I could probably do that, but would it stink up my house?
  5. Also I need to find a strain that will help my anxiety, but at the same time help me to focus. Any suggestions?

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