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how do i find bud, in my area?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DirtyMids, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. i kno this topic is somewere on the forums..
    can yu either send me the link to a topic like this, or answer my question

  2. Look at the bar a bit above you, search.
  3. ^ already did, thats why i posted a topic
  4. here ya go buddy:

    sorry for the poster above me, maybe he's just having a bad day. Keep on asking questions, it's no crime to learn.

    there are several guides (links to guides actually) all tied up into a bundle cause there was a huge list of stickied guides. You're looking for the one titled "finding weed in a new city"

    I just checked to make sure it's in there too, so you shouldn't have any problems.

    welcome to the city

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