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How do I clean/purify weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by vicious1, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. I read somewhere in these forums that the ganja we get here in india are treated by dealers to increase weight. They add wax and battery acid and shit like that.

    Now this is definitely possible. Probably even.

    I could be paranoid because I read that post when I was high. Since my last batch got finished I got some new stash. This one smells a lot different and the smell is just weird.

    Is there a way I can clean my weed? Would it be better to make oil out of this stuff to remove impurities?
  2. i see you're from mumbai, next time ask for some "shilavati" and it should be better than what you are grabbing. if you want to be safe and not smoke questionably grown plant material, buy some bottles of 99% Isopropyl/rubbing alcohol and make your own QWISO hash oil with that pot and smoke that concentrate instead :smoke: I wouldn't be that paranoid though, I'm from near Mumbai and I get some nice landrace bud, check out my recent pick up and look for stuff like this:$9.html#post15153806
  3. Thats exactly what my last batch looks like. Now it looks more dark green/blackish. And when I break the bud inside is sort of moist. Its possible that the buds got wet or something.

    I can make the concentrate with coconut oil but wont be able to smoke it :(

    Edit: Are you from pune? Because I will be temporarily living there from next month.
  4. Yeah i'm from pune, haha coconut oil is no good, go to some medical supply store and ask for rubbing alcohol as high concentration as you can get. Yeah I think the last few batches have been rushed and not dried properly, last batch here had powdery mold so I just made hash oil out of everything. Before that was decent tho
  5. I'hv got a 100ml bottle of clinical spirit (Isopropyl rubbing alcohol usp) from a medical store. I know its the same thing but there is no concentration percent written on the bottle. The medical store owner did not know shit. I suppose it would be 70% but that would mean that other 30% is water and the evaporation process would just take longer.

    Any how I have a packet worth Rs100 and the bottle of isopropyl costs Rs30. I will make some and see how it turns out..

    The question still remains. If the weed has got some harmful additives.. Will those be concentrated along with thc? That would make the whole thing pointless lol.
  6. I think your too paranoid. Weed usually isn't tampered with... I mean if it is though I would just say get from a reliable source or grow your own

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