How did you get your job?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Gore, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. I'm a 19 year old college drop out currently working at a Tim Horton's in a small city in western Canada. Not so interesting I know, but how I managed to secure a position here after weeks of job-searching to no avail still manages to crack up my friends.

    It all started when I moved from Winnipeg after I decided I couldn't bear to stay locked up in my room waiting for the world to end any longer. Changes needed to be made, and what better way to bring about these changes then to spend the rest of my money on a one-way bus ticket to a new city with nothing but a bag of clothes and my Xbox One. After all, I've found that I work at my finest when backed against a wall. But as food in the fridge started to dwindle as I dilligently distributed my resumés to restaurants, retailers and every Rotten Ronnies in the city, I began to lose hope. One day I was feeling particularly stressed and decided to pawn my Xbox for groceries and weed. My grandmother came for a walk with me to the other side of town to score as well. As we came up on a Tim Horton's along the way, she told me to go apply inside. I wasn't too excited about the idea, the other ones had told me they weren't hiring and I didn't have a good outlook for here either. Reluctantly I looked into my backpack, and sure enough I had one resumé left, kept in good condition from the folder I had stashed them all in. So I walked in, ordered a coffee and asked for an application, now the lady who would be my supervisor told me that they might not be able to offer me full time employment like I needed, but I took the application anyways. As I was walking out, I noticed my Uncle's dealer sitting down at one of the tables talking to a worker. I was kind of bummed out because that meant he wouldn't be at his house to sell me the goods, but I didn't want to make it apparent that he was my dealer so I pretended not to notice him and tried to walk out. That's when he called me over to the his table. I turned my head left and right pretending to wonder where that voice came from. "Hey, Gore! Hey how's it going man!" "Oh hey, Bob. Good, good. Just finished applying for a job here, about to head back to Kenny's right away." "Oh yeah? You want a job here?!? Seriously??" "Yeah, well whoever's hiring right?" "Hey I can get you a job here man." He turned to the lady Tim Horton's worker standing to his right. "Hey you guys are hiring right Bonnie? Why don't you give this guy a job! He's one of the hardest workers I know!" he flashed me a grin. Bonnie gave him a look that said she's used to dealing with his excessive exuberance. "Yeah we have a few positions open, were you looking for full-time or part time work?" and just like that I was in with the manager. From then on I've managed maneuver my way through coffee serving hell, and come out the other side with only minor psychological scarring. Now I'm in a pretty comfortable position making sandwiches for ungrateful caffeine addicts for 8 hours of the day. I say it's comfortable because at least I'm not one of those poor saps stuck talking to customers on the daily, and it helps that Bonnie let's me go smoke that BC grown bud on my breaks everyday.

    TLDR; my dealer is best friends with my manager

    How did you get your job?
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  2. Right out of a kids in the hall skit.. Bob, Kenny, and Gore. Could you get more Canadian?
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  3. I wish I had a name like Gore, Moose, or Thud. Alas it's just a display name
  4. It all started with becoming friends with my boss's boss...
  5. not really knowing whats going on until it was real shit. well, thats the short story.
  6. Ok Geordie, I squeeze your little head...

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