How did YOU buy from grasscity

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Keep It Green, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hey GC ive been having troubles with stupid pre-paid cards to order my bong.. so i want to hear from you who have purchased pieces from GC what method did you use? thanks
  2. I used a debit card with no problem. What is your trouble with the prepaid?
  3. I used a Vanilla MasterCard prepaid credit card. It worked perfectly, whats wrong with yours?
  4. i bought a pre-paid visa and they say its only for in purchases in the US. so they tell me to go get the money off the card and buy a different one so i just went to the store and i cant take the money off the card cuz the company didnt give me a pin. so i call greendot and they say just make purchases with credit. well shit i cant get cashback with credit idiot he says im sorry sir i hang up and say fuck it and buy some gum balls to sooth myself
  5. so what pre paid card do you guys sugest?
  6. Can a prepaid card from canada work?
    or has to be from US?
  7. im not sure i would guess so tho
  8. o and toker you can try looking on the website of a card your looking to buy
  9. Make sure when you buy it, you can use it for international purchases (should say on the back) and can be used for internet purchases.
  10. yeah haha ill do that when i go get another one!
  11. with a credit card...
  12. I paid in frankensence and mur
  13. ummmmmm :confused: lol
  14. For pre paid you must have an international card da herp de derp
  15. Normal Debit.

    Thanks again GC:wave:
  16. found that out when i bought the first one :rolleyes:
  17. buy a different prepaid card....and use your prepaid card to buy that prepaid card...

  18. im going to :) so ill have about 55 left on it then im going to trade it for an 8th of some homegrown dank:)
  19. Just buy new pre paid with your opre paid one that works obviously!
  20. i dont think you can load a prepaid from another prepaid

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