How did this happen?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by The Green Toker, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. #1 The Green Toker, Dec 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2011
    I'm going to tell a story about a time I've experienced something that I thought of being something ghost-like. After I tell the main story, I will tell 2 more that will maybe "back up" the first story on believing in ghostesesers.

    Well it all started when I cam home from school one day. The house that I had currently lived in was no longer, it had burned down. Fast forward to a few days later, me and my family were renting out a house. Keep in mind that both houses were from the early 1800's and had really tall ceilings and abnormally large doors.

    A few months went by and I had never experienced anything strange in the house, just a normal creepy old house. Some kids on the school bus I talked to somehow brought up the question have I ever seen anything strange in the house. I was questioning them and turns out some people got shot and one man hung himself in the house. After they told me this, I remembered that the landlord told me about the elderly lady that had lived here before us. This elderly lady had lived here for over 30 years and then one day just up and moved out. This made me scared to be in the house because I always wondered why she would just up and leave.

    My suspicion grew larger but eventually I have kinda forgotten about the stories. One day I bought some posters that glow in a black light and put them on my wall. I also bought 2 black lights. When I turned my black light on I noticed there was a weird glowing mess on my wall. Upon further examination, this mess was ALL over 2 walls and ALL over my ceiling. It looked like someone had taken something and splashed it all over the walls and smeared some parts of it. Upon further examination I googled this and it turned out that a solvent used to clean blood made these exact same glow spots. This led me to believe that someone was murdered in my room or something. Whatever happened, SOMETHING bad happened in my room I just knew it.

    Fast forward several months later, we were packing up and about to move out. Since we were moving out, we replaced all the light bulbs in the house the night before we were gone for sure. Now all that was left in the house was the couches, tv and beds. When I woke up the next morning there was a lightbulb that had been blown out. This light bulb was sitting in the spot my mother always sits and the pointy parts facing upwards. Now let me post a picture and explain why there was no way this could have happened.


    I don't understand how the light bulb could fall 15ft to the ground and still make it 10 feet back to the couch. The doors were locked when I went to sleep that night. My mother and sister who lived with me were not there at all that night. Both of them were at their boyfriends houses. This rules out someone deliberately doing this. Also, to note, I don't sleepwalk and even if I did the light bulb would've broken from the 15ft fall.

    I don't have much time right now to go back, spell check and look over my story, but I will do this later and I'll add the other 2 unrelated stories.

  2. No, just no.

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