Last night while on an educational binge I began researching WW2 events. I stumbled upon the Japanese torture facility known as 'Unit 731'. While watching a documentary about it on Youtube, for the first time ever, I had to close the movie out of disgust at the single vilest atrocity I have ever witnessed human beings preform. Even Dr. Josef Mengele from Auschwitz could not compare in terms of horrifying deeds which these Japanese doctors and nurses performed. 8 To actually disgust me it takes a lot. I've watched 2 Girls 1 Cup, the 8 year old OD on heroin, pain olympics, and even a highly illegal snuff video I was shown once. But this.. Learning of this barbaric torture facility, Unit 731 and all the horrific things which took place there made me lose faith in humanity. It's not like the doctors were enraged psychopaths, they were actual medical professionals who were fascinated by human disection and testing diseases, wounds, frostbite, burning, etc on completely conscious unwilling human victims who were either POW's or simply arrested and taken there by the Japanese Secret Police. This video made me completely reevaluate WW2 and the extent of its horror. Gassing people is one thing.. This...this is something completely different. How could humans ever do something like this? **Documentary not safe for work and should not be viewed by people under the age of 18** History of a Knive (Trailers) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 I feel as if simply watching this has made me somewhat racist towards Japanese people.
yeah thats pretty sick that people could do such horrible things to other living human beings. Also, i think the germans did some experiments similar to those. Either way its horrible.
Creepy shit man, after I read your post I looked up the 8 year old kid OD. That shit was even worse in my opinion.
No, it was not worse. These doctors and nurses would cut open children without anesthetics, infect them with diseases then trap them in cages with other people to see how long it would take for them to die. Or they would strip them naked and have them stand out in the freezing cold and spray them with cold water to see how long it would take for frostbite to kick in and kill them.
The things people do to other people, when their Nationalistic pride takes power over their national conscience... All these experiments by the Axis powers, are being continued to this day, in China. And Guantanamo Bay. I can't watch the vids, because I know what's in them will make me sick. Fascism and cruelty are a terrible combination, that should be fought everywhere it raises its ugly head.
The decompression chamber, frost bite, ripping out stomachs and vital organs from a fully conscious person, testing grenade shrapnel on people, ripping out teeth.. I just keep imagining what it would feel like to know that any member of my immediate family had any of these horrific acts preformed on them. And that is what is making me lose faith in humanity.
Holy shit man, Im not gonna be able to sleep tonight O_O. That fifth video really shocked me. Some of these things I didnt even know could be done. What is it that motivates these people?
Damn...I didn't even finish watching the first video. Shit like that is too fucked up for me to sit here and watch.
This just reaffirms my belief that there alot of fucked up people on planet earth and that it won't get better anytime soon. World PEACE FTW! Dr. Shiro Ishii, a member of Unit 731, was given immunity by the US in exchange for the results of his "research". That single incident is the more disgusting than all experiments ever completed by Unit 731.
The only thing that rivals my awe at raw human potential is our potential for such sickening, incomprehensible evil.
The only response I could think of was, what the fuck? I know its become a giant cliche but nothing I could put together seemed to fit my emotions more.
after watching wind talkers with nicholas cage i was pissed at japanese people, then i remembered how good sushi is. bout to watch video also what was the snuff video of? and where did u find the vid of the 8 y o od on dope
If you want to see, here is the link to the other video - the 8 year old OD'ing on heroin. It's also not safe for work and it is very loud so turn down your speakers. This is real and yes the boy is dead at the end. The snuff video was just a video taken of two Russian soldiers decapitating a captured person with a hunting knife, it was extremely graphic and the sounds made from the video were just nasty..
Honestly I've been racist towards Asians for a while. I'm sry just the way I am. That shit is worse than the holocaust. I just think the Chinese and Japanese are corrupt as shit and crazy as fuck. I don't like them at all. I'll admit to GC i'm heavily racist against em and I was even before I saw this video.
For christ sakes read it up online. Fuckers threw grenades at people and did this type of shit to BABIES. I'm sry I just thinked there truely fucked in the head. Like if anyone was gonna do some fucked up corrupt shit I believe the Chinese and Japs and Koreans would do the craziest. In China right now they don't even give a fuck about human life. It means nothing to them. You steal you might get shot in 10 minutes after being arrested for your crime.