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How come politicians in the US are so much more anti drug than the average voter?

Discussion in 'General' started by burro bombting, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Every poll for 6 years straight showed majority support on legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Four states voted by ballot initiative to legalize it and 5 more states are poised to do it by the end of this year. So far, not one governor, senator or presidential candidate in either of the two parties supports legalizing pot. Even among Democrats where theres 65-75% support among its voters, Democrat politicians are identical to Republicans on pot. I never seen such a big disconnect on any issue. Whether or not legalization wins in the long run is irrelevant to me. I feel sorry for the die supporters cause theyre getting screwed.
  2. not true.
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  3. Yeah Colorado's governor was in full support of legalizing marijuana. Also Bernie Sanders.
  4. They don't want to let go of the power
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  5. Our congressman tend to be older, career politicians who have gotten wealthy by furthering the power of the state. This means more money for prisons, judges, and all the other people who get wealthy off of our tax dollars. Legalizing mj would threaten the system.

    We can try to get more people in congress who realize the futility of prohibition, but even good people get corrupted if they are in Washington too long. Term limits for congress might be a good start.
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  6. What are you talking about... ? What power? It's more powerful for the state if they actually legalize and tax/regulate weed...

    Are you talking about full legalization without taxation and regulation? Because that'd likely almost never happen here in the US. The way legal recreational weed is set up here in my state is that it all gets taxed, and it's currently set at like a 25% sales tax I think, so what you're saying isn't really an argument they could use...
  7. They get money from pharmaceutical and prison....places, to like, keep voting to keep weed illegal, and shit.
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  8. Mainly because Ronald Reagan began the new age of drug propaganda
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  9. It's called lobbying
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  10. This. Not to go off on a tangent here but a prime example of this is after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School over 95% of the country was in favor of requiring background checks for firearm purchases but we were unable to pass any legislation, likely due largely in part to lobbyist. Additionally, keep in mind many of our politicians are from an older generation so they may have a harder time seeing the perspective from the eyes of a younger generation. Lastly, there's little to no incentive to legalize it in the first place. Sure it causes a lot of people to be put put in prison unnecessarily, but we have a for profit prison system that lives off this and also have plenty of lobbyists on their side. If there was some kind of monetary incentive things would likely be different but right now, as you can see, in American politics money trumps the public opinion.
  11. Because the pharmaceutical industry has a hold on American society. Because congress doesn't represent the average American. Because private prisons are partially owned by wealthy investors with financial interests in keeping people locked up (nonviolent drug offenders breing some of the easiest targets). Because people are greedy and don't give a fuck about the next person. Because people power trip themselves into being close-minded and reject anything they are insecure about.

    It all comes down to ego. The root of all evil
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  12. People don't want to vote for a drug user. So politicians try to avoid the label. Seems obvious.

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  13. Ego and money
  14. They actually are pro marijuana in most cases but they campaign based on what we"want to hear" and what the companies giving them money want.

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