How cause and effect might be an illusion

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Mnemonicsmoke, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Bear with me because i'm not the greatest at verbalizing my ideas.

    but lets imagine that the universe is a closed system, energy/matter isn't spontaneously arriving.
    Lets also assume that no part of the universe is isolated, all parts of the universe interact within one another.
    Now this is something I'm just guessing, but lets imagine that what we perceive as the strict laws of physics things like the force of gravity, or the speed of light in a vacuum, or the strength of magnetic field are simply the product of all the interactions within the universe...not limits on how matter/energy may interact/behave but rather the products of their interaction

    So with this idea of a self organizing, connected, and closed universe concepts like cause and effect begin to make no sense. For example if you pushed a cart and it moved, you might think you caused the cart to move, but if you were to look at the history of the atoms in that cart, you may find that those atoms of the wooden cart, were once part of millions of things, inanimate objects at times(star, dust, etc), living things at others and those atoms interacted in the past in such a way as to make your existence possible
    So did you push the cart or did the cart push itself?

    Interactions in our universe are not unidirectional, when you interact with any one part of the universe you interact with the entirety....(maybe)
    (What you do unto others you do unto me" came to mind) hehe

    Anyways, I was thinking about this because of the whole idea of "who created god, and who created him, etc" I couldn't make sense of it... so i thought maybe the question is flawed, maybe there is no cause and effect


    I mean i guess i was just thinking about how everything was once part of a superdense, super energetic point....I mean everything was right next to everything...for some reason it doesn't make sense to me that distance (after the big bang) would destroy the connectivity of it all

    I probably don't make sense but if you get what i'm saying sweet.
  2. You snap your fingers you hear a sound

    Cause and effect

    You bring your fingers together to snap

    Cause and effect

  3. What i'm saying is that there are no first causes, all events are essentially the same ongoing event.

    For example to think of snapping your fingers you first would have had to hear someone snap their fingers, so then it could be thought of that the sound of snapping fingers caused you to snap your fingers and hear a sound... was the sound of snapping fingers the first cause? No, there are no first causes is what i'm trying to say

  4. First cause is the thought of you snapping your fingers ending with you hearing the snap

    Cause and Effect

  5. All events being essentially the same on-going event doesn't exclude the possibility of a first cause existing.
    Did you push the cart or did the cart push itself? There is more than one correct answer.
  6. Cause and effect (karma) can only arise from discrimination. Ultimately, we are not subject to karma, we are one with karma.
  7. But what caused the snap? The answer leads to metaphysical bankruptcy.
  8. It's all mutually dependent...we all create everything.

  9. Explain. Alot of white noise between the viewer and the network broadcasting the signal with that response.
  10. So would the cart move without your human interaction? I've never seen something happen without something else causing it first..

    EDIT: let's take this a step further, what caused you to post this?
  11. There is no cause without an effect and vise-versa. cause and effect is one event.
  12. You're right in that there is no absolute first cause, it goes back into eternity, something finite beings with finite goals and finite lives can't fully grasp, but there is cause and effect lol, but every cause was first an effect.

    you get hit in the face with a pool ball and its effect was pain, but I threw the pool ball, but throwing it was an effect of you angering me, but you angering me was an effect of something I did against you, but that was an effect of the mood i was in, but the mood was an effect of something that happened, ad infinitum

    It goes back into eternity.
  13. #13 Mnemonicsmoke, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2011
    I think on some level saying there is no such thing as cause and effect is fundamentally the same as saying as cause and effect are infinite because they both imply the infinite interconnectedness of things

    If there is no "first cause" than all events are equally relevant in the system...its like a bunch of dots with every dot pointing to all other dots, and every one of those dots that was pointed to pointing to all other dots
    like basically you stop thinking of event A as seperate from universe A, event A and universe A are the same,

    i get a feeling i'm only making sense to myself...>_< but what i'm saying is that everything in the universe is dependent on everything else for its configuration for its "current state of cause and effect" so it stops being individual starts being causeless...effectless...when you consider the effects and the causes are one and the same
  14. Cause is Effect

    2 halves on a Yin and Yang basketball

    *He scores! The Bulls have done it again!!!!*
  15. how is anything possible? how did all this shit get here, why isn't there just nothing, is nothing even possible? the idea that nothing happens after death seems impossible to me because the idea of nothingness is wild
    i wonder what caused anything in the first place praps everything is just infinity
    i wish someone knew this shit
    just the idea of eternity makes me go !?!?!?!?!??!?
    i understand what your saying man

  16. um...*thinking**

    erm. sorry for writing my train of thought but eh

    yeah. Reason there is nothing is because you would not be able to exist within nothing.

    You wouldn't even be able to be aware and say hey...i'm not aware of anything... i think there's nothing...

    Like i'm saying you exist as an imaginary division of this universe...without this universe (which includes you) you would not exist, exist to notice the nothingness

    but yeah i totally agree nothing is so crazy to no dimension how do you figure that out?

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