How cAN i stop smiling?

Discussion in 'General' started by ganja1123, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. just curious what do you do if your high and have to go in public places that ppl u know and u cant be high? like how do you stop smiling?

    yes i know this post is messed but i cant fix it...its just not in the playbook, you know?
  2. ya i used have that problem you just gonna try to keep a straight face and use some eye drops so don't see your red eyes.
  3. i often find my brain wondering off into different places and it leaves me with my squinty eyes and half open mouth
  4. Think about nothing. If you work on it you can eventually do it all the time.
  5. I started smoking cigs. Now I'm so self conscious about my tar stained teeth that don't smile or laugh ever, and haven't for 4 years.
  6. I used to be the same way before I started smoking more often, eventually you just learn to become comfortable with being really high and public and you learn to adjust and act normal, it will come with time just keep smoking.
  7. Tolerance really. After smoking for awhile weed becomes, as Dave Chappelle says, "background shit." You can smoke and do anything and the last thing on your mind is "do I look too blazed?"
  8. What the hell? Your post makes sense, sure you use abbrevs. but watevs.

    I just stop...I think about how retarded and dopey I would look to the casual person and don't want to perpetuate a stereotype so I just stop smiling basically, but with friends I look like this dude --->>:smoking::D
  9. I dont stop smiling, i like smiling.
  10. if its some emergency situation i'll just think of somethin horrible that would normally make me sad if i wasnt completely plastered:smoking:
  11. It depends on the situation but most of the time I'll be smiling and laughing like nutz!
  12. On a scale of 1-10, how fucked up is it that I laughed at this post?
  13. Not that fucked up. I'm sure 99% of them want help but the shit I see on the news makes me think otherwise. Like those guys that just got shot trying to help or the vans that got robed of all the food they were trying to give out. Others are trying to help them. They should except the help don't beat and/or kill the ones helping. Like I said that probably only applies to 1% but that's all I see on TV.
  14. This is a good response, smiling is good, if people see you smiling they'll be like 'fuck why can't i smile like him?'. It's a good thing.

  15. get someone to kick you in the balls. :D
  16. So for some reason if you see someone smiling you think they're high? Don't stop smiling, because no cop will walk up to you and say "You're smiling too much, you're under arrest."

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