How Can I Stop Getting Caught

Discussion in 'General' started by Rommyali, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. How can I hide the fact i smoke weed from my parents?

    tell me the best ways

  2. You can't. They have eyes in the back of their head :D

    Don't smoke at home, don't come home stoned and reeking, don't leave your shit laying around, don't do whatever you've been doing if you're getting caught...what kind of answers are you looking for?
  3. Dont smoke in their house.

    Dont keep it in their house.

    Dont come home high.

    Dont come home looking high.

    Dont come home smelling high.

    See where Im going with this?
  4. yup. be extremely cautious.

    and always think that your going to get caught. once you get cocky you get caught.
  5. I don't understand why people ask these questions.

    Just dont come in looking/smelling high. I really don't know what you expect us to say.. It's not like we personally know your parents and what type of people they are.
  6. Move out, or stop smoking in their house that they pay for.

    But mostly, move out
  7. All through Junior high and high school I never got caught once.
    You just gotta be cautious bro. It's mostly common sense.
  8. I am in the same boat as you bro. Ive pretty much resorted to full guard. Im reallly baked right now so ill try to explain this in the best of ways possible at this point in time. Anyways. find a permenant hiding spot like in your basement or some place that you never go in your house. That will be your spot for hiding those ounces of sour deisel you get every month ;). Have a bunch of hiding spots, so if they do bust one of them, they dont find ALL of your shit. That was my main flaw. Also febreeze is the stoners best weapon that is easly available to you unlike that other really strong shit that really isnt nessessarsy. If you somke inside when your parents arent home sploof it just so there isnt much smell to cover up in the first place, I dont usaully air it out, but get a fan going or open a door just to be safe. Then febreeze the place up and your all good. Just remember airflow. If air is blowing in your window and your trying to blow smoke out its not going to work so well :D Good luck man, and use some common sense. and dont get to cocky.
  9. Don't smoke in the house!
  10. go outside after they go to bed. im outside smoking 10 minutes after my mom goes to bed. dont give me the "they'll think its suspicious if i go outside at night" its not that hard to open a door quietly.
  11. #11 passage2bangkok, Sep 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2010 old are you?

  12. Really?? that is just idiotic to even post..

    But yea, take the advice that others have said with the biggest being, DONT SMOKE IN THEIR HOUSE!
  13. Really? Sounds kinda like something a pimply faced 14 year old would say to try to sound "cool". Well, EPIC FAIL IDIOT! Grow up!:confused:
  14. sploof febreeze and bowls no joints or blunts.

  15. lol:smoking::smoking:
  16. I was and am high as hell and did and still find that funny.

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