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How can I prevent reefer madness from turning me into.........

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by boxjuice, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. A paranoid, sex-crazed, rapist, violent and lazy zombie?
  2. That's not the question here...

    The question is: How can you troll better?
  3. You have some issues. I'd adress them.

  4. You can't. Once you take your first hit, you are screwed.

    So join the party and embrace it.
  5. [quote name='"boxjuice"']A lazy zombie?[/quote]

    Im a Zombie.... What are you trying to hint at...?
  6. I'm not one for thread bombing with memes so.... Just know i literally sent a palm towards my face and sighed with disgust for this post.

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